Gold-Hammer Clan

Amidst the peaks of the western Spine, nestled within their protective embrace, there once stood the Gold-Hammer Clan of Kar Ladur. It was Björn Gold-Hammer that forged a path for his clan in the face of adversity, their footsteps echoing through the treacherous terrain.   In a fateful turn of events, envy and treachery cast a shadow over the Gold-Hammers' prosperity. A bloodless coup d'état orchestrated by rivals within the surrounding Clans sought to undermine their position and strip them of their rightful place in the succession line. Björn and his kin, undeterred by this betrayal, refused to bow to the whims of politics and power, but the grudge he and the Gold-Hammers would harbor would follow until the final days of the Clan.   With unwavering determination, the Gold-Hammers turned their backs on the fractured halls of their brethren and set out to forge their own destiny. In the heart of the mountains, they carved the foundation of Kar Ladur, a stronghold that would become a testament to their indomitable spirit.   From the first swing of the hammer to the final placement of stone, Kar Ladur intertwined itself into the deepest recesses of the landscape like an impenetrable fortress. Its towering walls of gray stone seemed to defy the elements and the thundering of the earth.   The Gold-Hammers, bound by the unbreakable bonds of kinship, found solace and strength within the sheltered halls of Kar Ladur. They toiled tirelessly, their sweat and determination infused into every stone, forging a sanctuary that would stand as a testament to their resilience.   Through the ages, the Gold-Hammers weathered the trials and tribulations that befell their mountainous realm. The cataclysmic event known as The Sundering shook the very foundations of the world and tore many of those very mountains from the earth, but Kar Ladur stood resolute against the tumultuous storm. Its walls, scarred by time and etched with the history of their people, bore witness to their unwavering resolve.   Leadership passed from Björn to his son, Borlaec Gold-Hammer, a wise and resolute dwarf who carried the weight of his family's legacy upon his broad shoulders. Under his guidance, the Gold-Hammers continued their isolated existence, the outside world, he and they deemed a hostile and destructive place.   Centuries marched on, and eventually Skalgan Gold-Hammer, Son of Borlaec, took up the mantle of leadership. He guided the clan through changing times, their ancestral halls resounding with the rhythmic cadence of hammers upon anvils. The Gold-Hammers remained steadfast, their pride and determination echoing through the mountains that cradled their secluded realm.   Yet, fate can be a cruel mistress. In the fateful year of 750 ATS, disaster struck. The storms that swept through the region unleashed a torrential flood, ravaging the land and consuming the once-mighty Kar Ladur; the symbol of the Gold-Hammers' resilience, was lost to the unforgiving waters.   Trapped in the surging currents, the Gold-Hammers faced a grim fate. Their legacy, their craftsmanship, and their indomitable spirit were swallowed by the relentless deluge. The clan, once a beacon of dwarven might, was extinguished in an instant.   Today, the mountains stand as silent witnesses to the tragedy that befell the Gold-Hammers. The legacy of their craftsmanship, their unwavering determination, and their indomitable spirit is whispered through the winds, carried on the breath of the mountains.


The Gold-Hammer Clan would be wiped out during the spring storms of 750 ATS on the 26th Day of Tarsakh in 750 ATS.

39 ATS - 26th Day of Tarsakh, 750 ATS

Geopolitical, Clan