Zaiqine Fire Soul

Baronetess Zaiqine Fire Soul

"Sweet, sweet, Devil's Child... would you like something to stop the pain? Now and later? I could give it to you freely, if you wish it be so."


  Zaiqine Fire Soul was born in The Slums of Arine; typical of many, many Tieflings that live in and around the capital before being forced into indentured servitude to satisfy a debt to House Norton that her father fell into when she was a young girl. For several years, while serving as the family's maid-slave, she endured torment, ridicule, and abuse of all manner, though when the baron's children decided to up the ante of their cruelty it was the beginning of a series of events that would change Zaiqine for the rest of her life.   It all started during a period of standard trade negotiations between House Norton and House Romeri when she was about eleven or so and Baron Romeri and his court, including his eldest son Lucas, a boy of thirteen, rode into Widow's Watch. She was immediately smitten by him, but she would be caught ogling at him a moment too long by one of Norton's daughters, who discreetly knocked her to the ground calling her a filthy devil under her breath. The boy would raise her to her feet after the Norton girls departed, chortling to themselves as Zaiqine hurriedly excused herself.

Physical Description

Special abilities

The baronetess is gifted in the arcane, though it is purely speculation on where her arcane prowess stems from.

Specialized Equipment

A thick tome bound in green, teal, and black leathers and embossed with runic symbols is often seen floating in midair beside or orbiting around the baronetess; it is rarely more than a foot or two from her at any point and time.


Current Location
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Baronetess of Widow's Watch
Year of Birth
948 ATS 52 Years old
Current Residence
Widow's Watch
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Infernal