Widow's Watch

The keep of Widow's Watch, and the surrounding league of land, is under the jurisdiction of Baronetess Zaiqine of House Fire Soul, a minor Salvan house. The land once belonged to House Norton, an independent house of known magi-hunters that hailed from one of the mountain tribes in the Broken Spine of Salazar, who made it a point to harry House Balor when they were a younger and less influential house as the Nortons had powerful allies in both the Shadowlands and the East Riverlands. Their lands would be seized by Viscountess Balor shortly after the conclusion of The Salvae Revolution when the Nortons would betray the crown during the conflict and tried to overthrow House Balor. The keep and its lands would be awarded to her newly appointed baronetess to the appalled contempt of many Houses towards the Tiefling, claiming that giving a devil-born that any level of influence would have disastrous consequences, even something as inconsequential as baronetcy.   When the baronetess was formally awarded custody of the keep, the vast majority of the keep's staff and the surrounding villagers had already abandoned the territory, not wanting to fall under the banner of a devil spawn. This hardly deterred the Tiefling and slowly but surely the gaps would be filled. Today, Widow's Watch and the surrounding territory are home to around one hundred and seventy citizens, the vast majority of which are Tieflings that migrated into Bay Watch. The massive and rapid changes in demographics has led the keep to despairingly be called "Devil's Watch" by many.
Founding Date
868 ATS
Alternative Names
Devil's Watch
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Characters in Location