Austium Settlement in Trutina | World Anvil
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Austium is the largest city on the Western half of the Blakfort Kingdom and it is also the de facto capital of the realm. This status is not set in stone however, as the seat of power is where the ruler resides.   Located at the mouth of the Stri river and on the Northern shore of the Great Lake, the city is an important hub for trade. It is surrounded by vast farmlands and protected by several layers of defenses, which provide excellent protection for those that inhabit the city. Additionally, a large garrison of the Royal Blakfort Army ensures peace within the walls of the city.  


Austium Palace - Located on and around Smutno Hill, the palace is a building complex with various structures and of course the palace itself. It is home to the nobility and their guards and servants.

Points of Interest

Austium Palace - Located at the top of Smutno Hill, it is the largest single building in the Blakfort Kingdom, the palace is an impressive construction with 10 towers, two wings and a central structure that towers above most of the city.   Vibrant Court - The innermost part of the Austium Palace, the Vibrant Court is an extensive system of gardens and chambers that are decorated and furnished to be an impressive display of royal power.   The Forbidden Chambers - Once the sleeping quarters of the king, now a quarantined area within the palace. The Forbidden Chambers are off-limits to everyone, except for the Blak Guard, who protect the palace and the royal family. The area is divided from the rest of the palace by a single, heavily reinforced door and unnatural noises can be heard from within.   The Garrison - Located within the inner walls of the city, a series of barracks and training grounds are located next to the palace. Fresh recruits are trained and housed here, while more experienced Patrons protect the city.   The Orloi Tower- The tallest tower of the Austium Palace, the Orloi Tower is a square tower with a large sun dial at each side at its peak that displays the current time for all of the city to see.   Austium University - In the process of being constructed, the Austium University aims to be the largest place of study within the realm where scholars and mages will hone their craft and amass knowledge.   Bank of Austium - A grandiose building that is heavily protected by mercenaries. It is the center of all banking services in the realm.
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