Blakfort King Rank/Title in Trutina | World Anvil
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Blakfort King

The Title of the Blakfort King was established by Kirk 'the Patriarch'. It has been held by the Blakfort Dynasty since then and its importance never wavered since its creation.   The official crown of that belongs to the title is the Eternal Crown of Blakfort, which was forged at the order of Baraton III 'the Possessed'.   The title gets its legitimacy from the Great Mechanism and as an extension, The Church of Order.


The title is inherited by the laws of Primogeniture within the Blakfort Dynasty.


When the previous holder of the title dies, the new king is crowned by the Primas of the Kingdom, who does so using the Eternal Crown of Blakfort.
Royalty, Hereditary
In effect
Kirk 'the Patriarch' was crowned first in 910
Alternative Naming
His Majesty
Source of Authority
The Order
Length of Term
First Holder
Current Holders
Related Locations


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