Bernard Blakfort Character in Trutina | World Anvil
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Bernard Blakfort

King Bernard Blakfort

Lived: 1309 -
Ruled: 1347 -


Bernard is an Honest and Impatient man, who doesn't hold back when expressing his anger. Thankfully, he is a Temperate individual as well, so he is rather hard to anger.   His Quick wits also allows him to plan and do what is best for his kingdom.

Rule thus far

The crown found him unprepared for ruling as his father died suddenly and unexpectedly, but almost all of his vassals swore fealty to him, except for the Duke of Thurukya.   His wife suffered from Jacob's Curse, but managed to recover in 1347. The next year, he was affected by the ailment as well, but managed to recover from its worst effects. In 1348, he laid the foundations for and ordered the construction of the Austium University, where the brightest minds could hone their crafts and expand their knowledge.   To restore the stability of the region, his daughter was betrothed to the son of the lord of Kirkwall in 1350. During the wedding, one of the Blak Guards died to a mysterious poisoning attempt seemingly targeted at Borek Zak, the current Master of Ceremonies. Shortly after, Janus Highmore, the current Ram Knight barged in and accused Borek Zak of being a member of a Chaos cult. After a short interrogation, where the Master of Ceremonies denied all accusations under a Zone of Truth spell, they were both let go, but Zak was relieved of his position in the court.   During the same year, a balor emerged from a portal in Cirflucas, destroying the Wizard Tower and many buildings. After killing dozens of guards and civilians, the demon flew into the Sentinels, where the Pilgrimite Legion found its lair, killing the various demons it had created by the time the cave was found. Unfortunately, the balor escaped.   A few weeks later, Primas Jahab travelled to Atacodia to meet their Primas, but unfortunately met his end there. Bernard, who viewed the Primas as a confidant and highly respected advisor sought compensation and sent a demand to the king of Atacodia, who refused it entirely.



  • To be seen...
Honorary & Occupational Titles
  • Patriarch of the Blakfort Dynasty
  • Wearer of the Eternal Crown of Blakfort
  • Lord Commander of the Pilgrimte Legion
  • Duke of Lacager
  • Lord of Austium
  • Lord of Orilum
  • Overseer of the Pilgrim Fortress
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
1309 AU
Current Residence


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