Forebears Species in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Forebears were the successors of the Machinists and the predecessors of the humanoid races of Trutina. They were mere imitations of their creators, but combined various features of their descendant races. They were highly adaptable and creative like humans, strong and masterful like dwarves and had a strong affinity for magic, similarly to the elves of today. They also lived for hundreds of years, a trait common in humanoid races.   Whilst the existence of Forebears is widely accepted, their lineage is often disputed by non-human scholars. On the Continent, it is generally accepted, that Forebears are a common ancestor of Humans, Dwarves, and Elves, researchers of the latter two race often dispute this, mostly out of resentment towards humans. It is undisputed however, that humans are the descendants of the Forebears, whether or not other races share this ancestry.   After their creation, Forebears remained relatively inconsequential for a few centuries. Aitrun, their birthplace was full of other intelligent creatures, such as Felines who were already developed. After the Machinist Empire fell, the Forebears set out to complete the task they were given by their creators. Bring Order to Trutina and then the Material Plane. They quickly spread around the world and became dominant in most of Trutina, with the exception of the most hostile environments, such as Mortoram  During their expansion, they managed to evade the attention of Kaos, who had corrupted Trutina with souls before the Forebears were created. Some Forebear wizards dabbled in Chaos magic on the lands now known as the Elf Lands, which drew his attention. With no Machinists to protect them, Kaos quickly created souls for the Forebears and began to corrupt them hoping that they would begin a civil war as well. His plan did not work, as the Machinists have expected this to happen and prepared them for it.   Kaos' corruption did manage to slow down the Forebears' advances and managed to stop their expansion. In their stagnation, the Forebears diversified and became the humanoid races of today.
Those that first began using Chaos magic became the Elves and retained their magical abilities and long lives.
Those that lived in the mountains and hills of the Continent became the Burrowfolk who kept their long lives and skills in craftsmanship.
Those that lived in Aitrun, closest to the site of their creation retained their orderly nature and adaptability and became the Humans.
Genetic Ancestor(s)
Genetic Descendants


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