Avadell Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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Avadell is a valuable duchy within the Blakfort Kingdom filled with fertile pastures as well as mountains rich in ores.   Like all of the duchies within the kingdom, Avadell is also ruled by the Blakfort Dynasty and it served as a battleground for countless battles and many wars throughout the centuries.   Avadell is very similar to Lacager in terms of its geography. it is dominated by vast forests surrounding its two large lakes. On its Southern borders, mountain ranges protect it from incursions and large fields provide food to feed its population.   The most iconic feature and location of the duchy is The Round River. This river is located in the South-Eastern part of the duchy along with the Duchy capital, Cirflucas. The river is known for its unique flow direction, which defies the laws of nature and flows in a circle over several kilometers in diameter.
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