Striflucas Settlement in Trutina | World Anvil
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  Striflucas is an important trading hub between Lacager and Avadell.   The home of the Primas, the 'leader' of the Order in the kingdom and court priest of the King/Queen. The most religious city in the kingdom, partially due to the Primas being there. It is also one of the few cities in the kingdom to be guarded by the Royal Blakfort Army.


Black Gate - Named after the prominent Black Gate at the North-Eastern entrance to the city, this district is home to the Royal Blakfort Guards and many artisans.
Timber Bridge - While the name refers to the only wooden bridge in the city, the actual district is below said bridge and contains the docks of the city and all of the necessary infrastructure. The district is only connected to the city via 4 staircases and 4 lifting mechanisms designed to move cargo between the city and the port.
West District - The largest district of the city and home to most of its middle class.
Sunhorn - Named after the Cathedral in the city, this district houses the upper echelon of the city. Nobles, merchants and priests live in this part of the city.  


It was originally constructed as a military outpost to monitor trade on the Stri river, but under Lacrian rule it turned into a trading hub and religious center.   The first proper fortification was built in the 7th century as the threat from the forming Duchy of Lacager posed an ever-growing threat to the Avadellian people. The initial fort was later expanded into a castle with some peasants living near the keep in the 8th century.   The town grew a bit in the coming decades but it was still a military outpost when Kirk I Blakfort besieged and took the castle in 873 renaming it to Striflucas from its original name, which is now lost to time.   The city didn't change much after its capture despite some minor improvements to its southern walls.   The first real change came when Avadell became an integral part of the Blakfort Kingdom in 1028 under the rule of Baraton III. This placed the city into the center of the kingdom, making it effectively useless as a military outpost. Baraton III began transforming a city into a commercial hub and tore down the original castle. The castle's remains formed the base of the roof over the Roofed Market.   The city gained more and more importance throughout the 11th and 12th centuries during which the Primas gained overlordship over the city. The construction of the Sunhorn Cathedral began in 1139, but due to the ambitious plans it was only finished almost a century later in 1220. Ever since its completion, the Cathedral served as the home and seat of the Primas. As the Primas was one of the most important members of the Royal Court, the city gained a better garrison in the form of the Royal Blakfort Army.


  • Striflucas

Points of Interest

  Sunhorn Cathedral - A fancy, big temple in the heart of the city. It is home to the Primas of the Blakfort Kingdom and their family, along with those of other priests.
Roofed Market - A big square located in the Southern part of the city, it is a large marketplace where all sorts of goods can be found and bought. It is partially covered by a big roof which is supported by stone columns.
Small Horn Inn - An inn near the western gate, the Small Horn is a modest inn for the citizens and guards of the city.    


The city of Striflucas had quite a few changes in its governance throughout the centuries, but currently it is officially the property of the Primas of the Blakfort Kingdom, a title currently held by Primas Jahab.  

Unique Features

  • The city has a strict policy regarding the safety of its citizens. All gates, including those on the river are closed for the night and opened in the morning.
  • In addition, people need to pay tribute in order to leave the port, where it is easier to smuggle goods into the city.
  • The city is governed by the Primas, who resides in the Sunhorn Cathedral, which is protected by a magical barrier that only allows non-chaotic people to enter.
  • The city is guarded by a relatively small Blakfort Royal Army garrison, as well as the Order Guard, who are the guardians of the Sunhorn Cathedral and the Primas.
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