Cirflucas Settlement in Trutina | World Anvil
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Cirflucas is the most industrialised city within the kingdom and the 'Capital' of Avadell. Many of its unique features come from the Round River, upon which the city was built. It is protected by 2(and a half) walls and most of its buildings are old stone constructions.   It is home to the 'Foundries', which is a large district purely dedicated to producing and maintaining weapons and armor for both the Blakfort Royal Army as well as anyone who is willing to pay. The city is also famous for the (relatively) large number of magic users that live there. The city has a number of suspended bridges that connect its two halves.  


The White Palace - The home of the duke of Avadell, the Palace is a magnificent, yet simplistic building. The Palace serves as the main keep of the city and is surrounded by an separate wall. In addition to the main building, there is a library, barracks for the city guard and dormitories for scholars.   The Foundry - The most notorious part of the city, the Foundry is located on both banks of the Round River and it is populated with various smiths and other artisans, who use the power of the river to create various products much faster than it is possible at a regular workshop.   Old Town - As its name suggests, it is the oldest part of the city located in the middle of the city just north of the White Palace It is home to most of artisans working in the Foundry as their accommodation is guaranteed by the duke.   Skeodast Point - The North Eastern part of the city located beyond the Wizard Tower. It is inhabited by the majority of the middle class within the city.   Schum Wood - The Northern part of the city that is still within the outer walls, Schum Wood is similar to Skeodast Point. It has a wide variety of shops and traders as most of the merchants arrive from the West.   Old Wall - The Western part of the city between the new and the old wall, this district is home to the wealthier landowners and peasants. It is adjacent to the Wall Market, which allows its inhabitants to access all sorts of luxuries easily.   Trumum Center - Despite its name, this district is located on the outer edge of the city, but it is a very important area as it is the place where the only proper stone bridge was constructed and rebuilt countless times, allowing heavy cargo to pass over the river. It is home to inns and lodgings for merchants, travelers and mercenaries.   East Slums - As the city center is mostly inhabited by artisans and burghers, the peasantry moved out of the city into slums outside of the city wall. The largest of these is located on the eastern side of the city, where thousands of peasants live.   West Slums - Located outside of the city wall, the West Slums are home to the peasants that were lucky or quick enough to move into this area when they were evicted from the inner districts.   South Slums - The part of the city that is located on the Southern bank of the Round River and outside of the city walls are part of this 'district'. The poorest inhabitants of the city live here, often resorting to burglary and theft to survive.  


Cirflucas was the location of a big city ever since it was recorded, but its name was lost to time. Before it was incorporated into the Blakfort Kingdom, it was mainly a big agricultural city as the lands surrounding it are very fertile. As a result, the city was not fortified and it was only defended by a relatively small militia.   It was conquered by Kirk Blakfort in 873 and then given it its current name. Under Blakfort rule, its importance and potential was quickly realised and a large number of people began to move to the growing city.   The size of the city doubled in the following century until Avadell gained independence. The now independent Avadellian duke moved his seat of power into Cirflucas in 940 and began the construction of the Palace. Four years later, Jacob Blakfort returned to the city with his army. The duke of Avadell fled the city and left it for the Blakfort army who captured it. The construction of the Palace was abandoned but works on a wall began.   In 947, Avadell seceded once more and the new duke returned to the city once again. The wall was finished and the first story of the Palace was constructed before it was once again retaken by the Blakfort Kingdom in 965 with the rest of Avadell. Due to the newly built wall, the Blakfort forces didn't lay siege to the settlement during the war.   In 1028, Avadell officially became part of the Blakfort Kingdom and it was designated as the 'Capital' of the duchy of Avadell. The duke began work on the palace once again, further expanding it. In the following decades, most of the currently standing parts of the Palace were built, along with the wall surrounding it. Baraton III wanted to demolish the walls of the city to allow for more trade to flow through it, but the duke resisted it. It was at this time that the only stone bridge was constructed, which fell apart a few years later thanks to the immense strength of the Round River.   In 1068, Zachariah reformed the Blakfort military and made it a crown-equipped force. As a result, he needed a large quantity of quality armor. The decision to make Cirflucas into a large forge was made. The Foundry began to form and the countless watermills in the city were repurposed.   In the following few hundred years, the city grew considerably, but nothing particularly interesting happened in the meantime. As the city grew larger, the wall built previously became useless and its demolishing was ordered in 1120. Work on the demolishing constantly stalled and the duke eventually gave up on it in 1156.   Since then, the internal walls became part of the city as various architects used it as part or as a platform.   During the 12th and 13th centuries, the Palace was expanded once again with a large library that contained all the knowledge that the visiting mages brought with them or accumulated during their stay in the city.


  • Cirflucas

Points of Interest

The White Palace - A simplistic, yet majestic palace surrounded by a wall and other buildings. It is where the duke of Avadell lives and governs his domain from. It also houses the city guard as well as many scholars.
Testing Ground - Located in the Northern part of the city, the Testing Ground is a place of learning for the various scholars within the city where they can experiment with the Round River.
Wall Market - Built on top of the Old wall, the Wall Market is a long, narrow market in which the stalls sell various goods, but most importantly, the smiths of the city sell their products here.
The Wizard Tower - One of the only remaining towers of the Old Wall, the Wizard Tower is a scientific center for the scholars of the city who are not interested in the Round River. It is rumored that many magic users vanish within due to a horrible monster that prowls the tower at night.  


The city of Cirflucas is the home and property of the duke of Avadell, Markvart Blakfort.
Large city
Location under
The Reconstructed Wizard Tower


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