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The Plane of Order

The Great Mechanism is the home of the gods of Order and is essentially an incomprehensibly large clockwork machine. Regardless of where you are or where you are looking, you will only see gears and other mechanical parts moving at different speeds.   These can change in size and complexity, but they are all working constantly to fulfill their purpose.  


While the Great Mechanism might seem uninhabited at first, a visitor can quickly spot many of the Order Demons that populate the plane.
They are constantly working on repairs and maintenance of the Great Mechanism and fight off potential, chaotic intruders.  


While the Plane of Order can be easily accustomed to in terms of orientation and movement, it is not a hospitable place by any means. The Plane of Order does not have air, nor sustenance of any kind, so staying there long-term is nearly impossible without the proper preparations. In addition, as the Great Mechanism is strongly opposed to the presence of Chaos, souls are not safe here either. From the moment someone arrives, their souls are under a constant assault by the magical energies of the plane, withering and destroying them over time, leaving a soulless body behind.   The Great Mechanism itself is dangerous as there are a lot of moving parts all around anyone who visits the Plane of Order. Anyone travelling this place must be incredibly careful when navigating the various parts of the Mechanism as the platform you are standing on can easily ram into another part at any point.   In addition, the various demons that inhabit the plane can also pose a threat to anyone who provokes them. Whilst they are usually docile, if someone gets in their way, they can become very aggressive, very quickly.  


The gods of Order are not omnipresent, so running into one is extremely unlikely, unless they specifically want you to meet them. They are also not omniscient, so most of them won't know about a visitor unless they do something noteworthy. An exception from this rule is Perviga, whose gaze can be felt immediately upon entering the Plane of Order. If a visitor does something untoward, she is the one who notifies the rest of the gods.

The Gods of Order

  • Semernos - The Time God
    He is the God of time, causation and consequences. (Symbol - Hourglass)
  • Enequila - The Judge Godess
    She is the wife of Semernos and the Godess of law and justice. (Symbol - Scale)
  • Machina - The Machine Godess
    She is the Godess of the machines, automation and the creator of the Machinists. (Symbol - Cog)
  • Ostinatos - The Worker God
    He is the God of determination, obedience and loyalty. (Symbol - Hammer)
  • Perviga - The Watchful Godess
    She is the Godess of vigilance, perception and awareness. (Symbol - Eye)
  • Elevalos - The Helpful God
    He is the God of solidarity, empathy and cooperation. (Symbol - Open Hand)
Alternative Name(s)
The Great Mechanism
Plane of Existence
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