Trutina Second Holy War in the name of the Order
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Second Holy War in the name of the Order

Military: War


Started for conquest, the Second Holy War targeted fellow humans, the Souljar following people of Aitrun. Unfortunately, it ended in a disaster.

Seeing that a united Continent is a force to be reckoned with, so the Probare wished to use this power to strike the Souljar States on the Northern part of Aitrun, whose beliefs were very heretical. He began organizing a holy war in 1128. Atacodia and the Blakfort Kingdom didn't join this war effort as they were at war with each other and neither side wished to cease hostilities for the duration of the war. Regardless, a sizeable Orderly force arrived on the shores of Aitrun, but they were much less organized than before. Encouraged by the fact that the Blakfort rulers earned a kingdom for their initiative, all leaders wished to gain fame for themselves. They started pillaging independently and spread out their forces.   The battle hardened and well trained Souljar warriors formed smaller forces and eventually began destroying the separated forces of the Order. By the time the continental forces realized their error, their forces were diminished and a unified Souljar army descended upon them. Most of their forces were destroyed, many kings died and the Holy war had to be ended in 1133.

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