Trutina Seventh Holy War in the name of the Order
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Seventh Holy War in the name of the Order

Military: War


Following the tragic defeat of Orderly forces in the Sixth Holy War, the Probare and more zealous rulers yearned for retribution against the Souljar. Going on the offensive, the forces of Order invaded Souljar lands for the second time.   The war was bloody, but eventually led to an Order victory and the Righteous Kingdom of Sojazira wa established.

The Probare began organizing another Holy War in the name of the Order. This time, the members of the Order would go on the offensive against the Soul Jar.   Blakfort forces managed to secure some early victories in the war and managed to capture the cities of Sinjar and Mosul, but the soldiers of the enemy soon arrived in large numbers to fight off the invaders. After a few months of maneuvering, the Great Battle of Irbil took place near the fortress of Irbil. The members of the Order numbered 31 thousand troops, while their opposition had half of that. Despite their vast numerical advantage, the Order lost ~9400 fighters while only killing ~4700 soldiers.     The battle weakened the Soul Jar forces dramatically, allowing a basically unhindered Order to capture their cities.   In 1341, the city of Irbil and the mountain fortress of Tall Haftun fell and the Holy War ended in a swift victory. Due to their contributions in the war - and to a certain extent, tradition - the Probare named the Blakfort Kingdom as the most influential member of the Holy War, allowing them to nominate a ruler for the throne of the newly created Righteous Kingdom of Sojazira. Baraton named his daughter, Dorota Blakfort as the Righteous Queen of Sojazira, further increasing the number of titles held by the dynasty.

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