Sojazira Geographic Location in Trutina | World Anvil
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The Righteous Kingdom of Sojazira is one of the youngest countries on Trutina, having been established at the end of the Seventh Holy War in the name of the Order. Compared to the kingdoms of The Continent, it contains a sizeable land, but compared to the combined might of the surrounding Souljar states, it is quite small.  


Sojazira is ruled by a queen of the Blakfort Dynasty and the title would pass along to her heir should she die.   The entire realm is directly owned by the queen, but cities and forts have their own rulers subservient to her, similarly to the Souljar states.    

Culture and Religion

The Righteous Kingdom of Sojazira is officially an orderly kingdom, thus the only tolerated religion is that of The Church of Order  Because of its recent creation in the Souljar heartland, the vast majority of its population actually follow that faith instead, often leading to religious uprisings and an oppressive regime.   The majority of the population is of Aitrunian descent, but that is an umbrella term used by foreigners who can't tell the difference between the various ethnicities of the local populace.    


The newly formed kingdom inherited many soldiers from the holy war who stayed behind to keep the young realm alive. These groups are often de facto independent from the crown and its leaders operate as warlords with their own cities or forts.   In addition, there is a growing number of Order following locals who join the Yellow Band, the equivalent of the Blakfort Royal Army that the founders inherited from their homeland.   The ruler of the fresh kingdom has already seen opposition to her rule in the form of resistance fighters and raids from neighboring states, but the large amount of armed forces managed to keep these attacks at bay.    

Notable Locations

Sojazira: The capital and by far the largest city of the kingdom, Sojazira is a grandiose metropolis that handles most of the maritime trade between The Continent and Aitrun  Tall Haftun: An imposing fortification built upon a large mountain, Tall Haftun dominates the central part of the kingdom. The fort was said to be impenetrable, but this legend turned out to be false, when the forces of Order captured the fort during the Seventh Holy War in the name of the Order. The mountain beneath the fort is also known for its mines, which contain all manner of valuable minerals and gemstones, such as diamonds and even Adamantine.
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