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Birent is a small city, located just outside the Ulfin Peaks of Tundrusk. It lies on the outskirts of the Ulfin Valley, the same valley that contains the capital, Tønstadd. Birent is found on an open plain of snowy tundra with sparse vegetation aside from short grasses.


Most of the inhabitants of Birent are humans, specifically of the Ylarin ethnicity, but a large portion of the population consists of half-orcs, elves, and mul. Most of the population, as is common in Tundrusk, consists of working class farmers, miners, and other laborers, but Birent also has a larger population of artisans and merchants than most other towns.


The governing body of Birent consists of a Baron and two town consuls, who act as judges while the Baron enforces and enacts laws. The current Baron is Yasha Ugdison and the consuls are Harold Ytas and Boris Ulison. Taxes are placed on the trade of raw metals from other towns to this one to allow domestic mining associations to flourish.


The town of Birent has no walls and is rarely under the threat of an attack, but the settlement does have a small retinue belonging to the Baron that guards and enforced laws in the town and its surrounding lands.

Industry & Trade

Birent is a mining town, created to take advantage of the multitude of silver and copper located in the Ulfin mountains. In the past century, Birent has grown exponentially in population as it is seen as a more accessible yet smaller version of Tønstadd. Many trading posts and shops have been set up in the town as well, due to its location as an almost resting place for travelers before entering Tønstadd. The economy has flourished recently due to the increased amount of travel to the capital since Quintus had authorized the construction of the first Tundruskan Airship Station in Tønstadd.


Other than a few small bridges that allow the crossing of small streams that pass through the town, not much about the architecture or construction of Birent is remarkable compared to other towns in Tundrusk. There is also a fairly large temple dedicated to the worship of Innouran, but it typically stays closed to the public on days other than Penem.


The town of Birent is filled with various taverns, shops, apothecaries, etc. The economy of Birent relies on such trade as well as the various mining operations nearby. Other than shops, Birent has a large inventory of raw metals, tools, and weapons due to the various forges and smithies that operate in the town.

Guilds and Factions

The major factions that find themselves in Birent are, of course, the Tundruskan government and the Crimson Path. The Crimson Path is responsible for the recent corruption of much of the town's economy due to their recent deals with the nobles that control the mining operations nearby.


The town of Birent is quite boring and quaint, with very little other than trade or rest being the main reasons for many to travel here. Those who do find themselves in this town can visit the various taverns and shops found in the town or view the many Manclog which are herded by local farmers.


Architecture in this settlement is mostly confined to limestone buildings with roofs made of thatch or, occasionally, wood.


The terrain around Birent is mostly flat, besides the hills that mark the beginning of the Ulfin Peaks a few miles North of the town, and has a few small streams that flow through it. Besides the streams, there is also a natural aquifer underneath the town which is used for water. Birent is cold for most of the year and is covered in a light snow for at least half of the year.

Natural Resources

The natural resources nearby are, of course, the copper, silver, and iron found in the nearby hills as well as the domesticated Manclog which are often used as a food source to supplement the more common diet of Kaltweizen and freshwater fish.
Founding Date
1204 BR
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization


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