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Most denizens of Stonehurst are humans or have human ancestry, such as half-elves, mul, or triaxians. Much of the populace is, as is common in Tundrusk, of the lower class of laborers and workers, but the wealth disparity in Stonehurst is far more drastic than most other places due to the tight hold the Grimgold Guild has on the trade of precious metals and materials through the town.


The current government of Stonehurst consists of a senate composed of 5 artisans from each district of the town and a Baron that rules over the senate. Each senate member is in charge of a certain district in the town, and the wealth generated by the district pertains to the power each senator has in the senate. The current Baron is Rilas Ulfborn, grandson of Ylaric Ulfborn.


The defences of Stonehurst largely rely on the retinue of Baron Rilas as well as any levies that reside in or around the town. While the retinue is trained to a certain extant, most of the levy forces are poorly trained and really only exist to bolster the number of defences available to the town.


The town of Stonehurst is similar in its trade-like economy to Birent but happens to have access to a saltwater port which aids in creating both jobs and a thriving economy. Many inns, taverns, and shops exist due to the amount of travel from sailors and traders to and from the town. The large supply of grimgold in the nearby cliffs has allowed for a large amount of valuable coin and metal to be kept in the town's treasury.

Guilds and Factions

-The Empire of Tundrusk The main federal government in the area and the current leadership of Stonehurst. They are responsible for maintaining the law and protecting the people of Stonehurst and the rest of the Empire.   -The Grimgold Guild A powerful interest group and the controllers of Stonehurst’s economy. Members of the guild run nearly every business in town, and those not run by the guild usually do not prosper. All but two seats in the Stonehurst Senate belong to the guild. The guild also controls the trade of Grimgold in Stonehurst, often regulating the supply and price for their benefit.   -The Stonehurst Mages A small group of mages that run the academy of Stonehurst and study dimensional physics of the rift and beyond. They control one seat of the town senate.   -The Riftwalkers A branch of the town guard, controlled by the Empire, this group of 33 monster hunters specialize in hunting demons from the rift and protecting the people. They have not seen important combat in over 40 years and are seen as ceremonial. They act as Rilas’ personal guard.   -The Crimson Path A small union of vampires and thralls run by Klaus Blankly. This organization is not well-known to the public or the government and acts as a criminal underground that causes chaos or fulfills the wishes of Drakus.


Stonehurst was a town built by Ylaric Ulfborn long after the Great Rift War. Built to harvest resources uncovered by the opening of the rift, Stonehurst started off as a small mining town, but soon bolstered in wealth after the discovery of Grimgold in rocky coast near the rift. Although extracting the metal was dangerous, any who fell into the rift whilst scaling the cliffs to harvest the resource would most likely never be found again, Grimgold became the main source of wealth for the city of Stonehurst.   Soon, the emperor of Tundrusk, Quintus Alquin, decided to sponsor an academy in the town and provided gold to construct the academy and any other required facilities. This academy served to study the rift and its magical properties in order to learn more about other dimensions and their residents. This academy aided in expanding the city and added further to its wealth. The villages around it, however, were still used for cheap labor to extract more Grimgold.

Natural Resources

Grimgold. A substance with magical properties, including the chance to cause a necrotic rot in any wounded by it. It can also protect against radiant damage. These properties make it a fine choice for weapons or armor. This substance was first discovered in the Red Peaks in small amounts. It was later found in the cliffs near the rifts years after the Rift War.
Founding Date
723 EO
Inhabitant Demonym
Location under
Owning Organization
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