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The Collective Principalities of Riphtenland

Demography and Population

Riphtenland has a total population of around 12.3 million citizens, of which most are either humans or goliath. About a fifth of the population lives in urbanized areas, with the other eighty-one percent living in various rural settlements. Around five percent of the population is literate, mostly the wealthiest city dwellers educated in the various universities in the major cities of Riphtenland.


The Collective Principalities of Riphtenland control the region of Riphtenland as well as a large stretch of land in the Red Peaks which was taken hundreds of years ago from the Orxian Caliphate after a small war due to an inheritance issue. While the tract of land in the Red Peaks is forcibly held, the rest of the nation is part of Riphtenland by choice, choosing to have formed into one, large confederation hundreds of years prior.


The military of Riphtenland is well-organized and equipped, but only has far less men available to it than most other nations due to its volunteer-only method of recruitment and the nation's primarily peaceful attitude in geopolitics. The military of Riphtenland mostly relies on heavy cavalry, made up of nobles who volunteer into military service in return for land or political power. These knights are generally well-equipped, due to their wealth allowing them to purchase more expensive arms and armor, and well trained in combat.    Other than heavy cavalry, the army of Riphtenland relies on a mixture of light foot-soldiers and crossbowmen, typically volunteers who are poorer and cannot afford better equipment. Recently, Riphtenland has introduced a new technology into their military equipment, giving a few hundred of their crossbowmen a prototype firearm which shoots magical bolts, similar to spells such as magic missile, using a stone embedded into the firearm which gives it a reservoir of magic to use as ammo. While not yet seen in combat, other nations are moving quickly to develop such technology as well, expecting it to be the next step of military technology.


Eoclatism is the most widely worshiped religion within the princedoms of Riphtenland, with nearly eighty percent of the population considering themselves to follow its teachings. Places of worship dedicated to Eoclatism are found in nearly every settlement in Riphtenland, whether they be small shrines or large cathedrals. Most of those who don't worship the beliefs of Eoclatism are found on the nation's western border and follow the religions of bordering nations such as Sulnism or Yratophy. Since the nation's government is mostly secular, Riphtenland is fairly lenient on religious beliefs, though many followers of Yratophy are looked down upon and sometimes discriminated against by local laws, though the central government has no say on that matter.

Foreign Relations

Riphtenland tends to stay neutral in geopolitics, not often aligning itself with other nations or factions during times of war/turmoil. This peaceful nature has allowed the nation to thrive on both technological and economic terms.

Agriculture & Industry

The Riftish economy is mostly based around industry, specifically that of lumber and coal mining.


Most of the population of Riphtenland is uneducated, and those who are tend to be wealthy city-dwellers. Education is typically done in one of two ways: typically, a person is either educated through personal teachings and familial tutors, or a person may be educated through private universities, though this option tends to be far more expensive. Due to a lack of affordable schooling and a lack of education in general, only a little over five percent of the nation is literate.

Honor, duty, valor.

Founding Date
779 BR
Geopolitical, Principality
Alternative Names
Leader Title
Head of State
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
The currency of Riphtenland consists of coins made of gold, silver, and copper known, respectively, as norois, aurois, and corois.
Major Exports
The main export of Riphtenland is lumber and coal, as that is what the industry of the nation primarily produces and often produces a surplus of both supplies.
Major Imports
Riphtenland is typically lacking on luxury goods such as silk, rare metals, and exotic furs/pelts. Silk and other luxury goods are typically bought from the Orxian Caliphate while rare metals and pelts are bought from the nations west of the Red Peaks, such as the Empire or Yennia.
Legislative Body
The legislative body of Riphtenland consists of a senate made up of each lesser noble of the land who owns a fief/demesne. This senate is the lawmaking body of the nation, and does so without input from the Grand Prince, as he is meant to act as a ceremonial and diplomatic figurehead rather than a ruler.
Judicial Body
The interpretation and incorporation of the law is entrusted to the grand prince and his military commanders, who use the standing retinues of the royal family as a national police force to enforce and justify the laws made by the senate.
Official State Religion
Subsidiary Organizations
Related Ranks & Titles
Notable Members

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