Lugdunensis Waystation Settlement in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Lugdunensis Waystation

This is one of the many "Way Stations," equivalent to truck stops or rest areas in modern times. Romans built them at regular intervals along the roadways. In the heart of Latium these are at 25 mile intervals, so that one could stay in a bed every night while traveling from place to place. But out here on the fringes of the Empire, they are farther apart. This one is located 1/2 way between the two towns, Lugdunum and Nemasus.


An eight-foot wall of stone surrounded the Waystation. It is mostly still intact, although several sections on the western side, facing the road, have been broken.


Early on, the Roman Empire built Mansiones (domus-like structure) at intervals along most roads so that traveling dignitaries had a nice place to stay. Only the Patrician class is permitted to use them. Others had to camp out nearby. Over time, inns sprang up nearby for Plebians and Paupers to use, along with stables for quartering livestock, and blacksmiths and wheelwrights would move in to make repairs to weapons and wagons. These places came to be known as "Way Stations". This is such a place.


There are six ruined buildings in the Way station.  
  • The largest is the southern building made of concrete and stone, and is a small domus, or wealthy-person's house. This is where the wealthy and their servants would have stayed. The walls of this building are mostly intact but many sections have broken and crumbled.
  • The next largest building is the inn. Unlike the domus, which is only 1 story, the Inn was 2 stories. Most of the upper floor has burned but there are some sections of wall still in place. The bottom floor is a bit more intact, but there are many collapsed sections of the wall.The northernmost building on the west side is the stable. Its roof is missing and most of the back and one side wall have collapsed. Much of the remaining wood is scorched.
  • The other 2 small buildings on the norther side are 2 story stone structures. Their was are more intact than those of the stable or inn, but several sections have collapsed. One was the blacksmith's shop and home; the other was the wheelwright's.
  • The rear, smallest building, is the bath house. Several sections of its walls have collapsed. There was once running water here but, no more.


  • Lugdunensis Way station
    The ruined way station halfway between Nemasus and Lugdunum.


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