Session 15 - Dice and Danger Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 15 - Dice and Danger

General Summary

From Hassan's Journal
Road to Lugdunum -- The Dice   Every few days while travelling, fighting and exploring with Kleeck, Laura, and Bandua, the dice in my head shift from silence to small tumbles. They get louder when I'm fighting for my life, like back in the lizard creature's temple. When we faced against the cultist, the dice rolled, and I was convinced I could just... hold that creature in place, make it stop moving so whatever ritual he was performing would be broken. It didn't work, the dice stopped, and I wasn't quite sure what I was doing. One moment, it felt as if what could be was in my grasp, if only I could hold on to it. There are some days, when I am just bursting with a sort of energy that I feel like anything is possible. At one point, in a clearing, I simply pointed to the sky, and sent lightning streaking from my hands! At another while we travelled, I asked Kleeck to stand in place near a tree. The dice started rolling, quietly this time, in my head, as I held my mother's pendant, looked over at Kleeck, and muttered "what are the chances he was the slowest Aarakockra in the world?" And he became just that! I don't think he liked it much, but he impressed me by being willing to indulge me. I probably shouldn't take advantage of him.   What does this mean, and what am I becoming? Can I really make anything happen? Is it really possible, or are the dice just rattling my brains?   Road to Lugdunum -- The Waystation   We made our way along the north road towards Lugdunum, and came upon what looks to be some sort of waystation where people could safely relax and spend the night at an inn, have a decent meal, talk with each other without fear of giant spiders that blink in and out of existence eating you . Or angry lizard men who want to summon shadow dragons from the netherworld. Just a nice place to put one's boot up in front of a warm fire, and admire a tavern girl or two...   There was no one there. The walls were caved in by something that must have been rather large. There were no giant spiders, instead there were giant ant-like creatures  that burrowed up from the ground very intent on eating us (thankfully, we didn't get eaten). There was no nice, warm, inviting fire because the fire apparently burnt several of the buildings down, including most of the inn. No tavern girls, no innkeeper, no residents, no travelers except for ourselves. Whatever did this was very destructive, and very thorough.   We found the Innkeeper's Journal that indicated soldiers from the battle to the north brought their injured here. There was something about the soldier's being infected by whomever they were battling, and having strange symptoms (red skin, nausea, unable to sleep). I wasn't really sure what to make the whole situation. Ever since leaving Port Voltur, I've encountered creatures and things that seem more and more like the sailor talk I heard so often, but didn't fully believe.     Road to Lugdunum -- The Bivouac and battlefield   So, this is what war is like. Or, at least, what losing looks like. After leaving the waystation, we travelled further north along the road where we came upon an area where the Roman army must have made camp. There were three large tents, badly affected by time and weather. Nothing much left to find inside them, except for a Chirurgeon's Log  that recorded more details about the battles and the infected. The army were fighting big blue-skinned creatures, and smaller red ones. The infected all appeared to have been stricken by the blue ones. Not really sure why it was just the blue ones that were dangerous in that way -- maybe it's similar to some snakes being poisonous while others aren't? Whatever the reason, there doesn't appear to be a cure that the soldiers could find.   The battlefield...there were many dead soldier remains left to rot away. Even after all of this time, I still didn't like the smell. No, I couldn't really smell anything differently, but it felt like I could. I guess the Roman soldiers held the blue and red creatures off, but it cost them everything. If an army of strange creatures still inhabit Lugdunum, then maybe it wasn't such a good idea to come here after all...   Then again, with the dice rolling in my head, I feel like I can do anything, so what's there to fear?

Rewards Granted

750 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor Milestone - Arrive at the Waystation on the Via Lugdunensis
  • Minor Milestone - Learn the fate of the Waystation
  • Minor Milestone - Learn the fate of XIV Legion

Character(s) interacted with

Thiala  Saral Goodearth Cedrus Iccius Crispus
Report Date
26 Sep 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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