Session 17 - Secrets of the Past Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 17 - Secrets of the Past

General Summary

From Laura's Journal

Lugdunum I never thought to be back here after it was clear that the city had fallen, and especially not in the sewers with danger all around. Mama would have liked it if I had gone with her, but unlike mama and father, family in Silaxia never had much pull. Crispus was more of a cousin to me than the gnome cousins so far away-there is something in knowing folks after all. Anyhow, after Lugdunum fell and I was busy patching up Bandua and such I figured they were gone with the city and I had best make my own way in the world. Bandua was willing and so this journey began.   Now we are here, and for me it is again as though I had not been inside the fort (or the sewers!) before. We spent the night in a partially-crumbled barracks. For a chunk of the evening, Bandua kept an eye on the latrine and almost got smelled out by one of the lizard creature's mounts, while I watched the bonfires. Somehow Humans and Aarakocra just don’t see well in the dark (Sometimes I think Mkali doesn’t either, the way he sticks close, odd for a cat!). Kleeck did contact both the Perfecta and his Uncle Heehk, news there was troubling as another town or city has been attacked but we don’t know which one. We did not glean much of the enemy’s numbers or position, so we holed up till morning so we could have all our wits and eyes about us.   I rousted the whole crew about an hour and half before sunrise (around 5?) to slip back down into the sewer with the intent of mapping it out and figuring out safer escape routes for when we go above ground. We found some incredible things. And now know the recent history of this horror. I think we may need the ancient history to defeat it again, including some powerful magic but I get ahead of myself. First, we found an inexplicable room, round open and empty. On the floor outside next to the broken-down door there was a plaque outside that said: “By order of Consul Prior Manius Aemilius Mamercinus: Entry by Roman citizens is forbidden, on pain of death.” Beyond the destroyed door was a sloping entry hall to a round room with smooth stone floors. There were a few scorch marks both in and outside this room. Inside the room was a circular pit separating the exterior floor form an interior circle of floor. This Huge deep 100 feet deep or more pit had been dug and spiked in the solid stone. We could think of no explanation for its existence. Puzzled, we returned to the surface as this room was adjacent to the maintenance access point.   The stairs came up into the Principia, and there danger lurked in abundance, at least that was my instinct when I heard the chewing and saw them. Big. Blue. Red. Chewing on what looked like human prey. Possibly the things the 14th legion attempted to fight. Wise or not we crept forward to see a bit better, dogging and sneaking. We were able to cross the hall into the library and get a very good look at them. I do seem to be getting better at somehow sharing my stealth with my companions. These monsters are huge. If there was an army of them then it is no wonder that Lugdunum fell and the legions could not take it back. I hope there are only 2 but fear that there are more. Looking around what must have been the library, there was a humanoid skeleton reaching for the underside of a desk. I found an intact scroll case he or she was reaching for; it looked like it might be very interesting, so I grabbed it before we slunk back into the sewers. It seemed prudent to retreat. We are here for information, rather than to fight. Although in some ways an above ground fight would be more pleasant than the slime monsters of the sewers. Although I will take slime over deadly!   Safety is of course relative, but I think we are better off with various bits of exploding slime than the monsters above. Even if Kleeck has a talent for spreading goo everywhere and on everyone when he defeats it! We were moving through the filth of the sewers and a large squishy cube of slime tried to roll over us. No clue what it was, if it was sentient, hungry, or if it was capable of anything other than rolling, but it sliced relatively easily and did not withstand Kleeck’s call for Apollo’s sunlight. Just like the Ochre Jelly yesterday goo all over everything! I am glad but do prefer not to get so splattered. Hassan’s cleaning spells are much welcome in this mess! We proceeded to sneak out another latrine this time in the southern barracks and found the lizard folk using it for their encampment. Hassan and I scouted around a bit with my ranger stealth and his trick of invisibility. Not sure how his magic works but for now I am glad of it. It looks like the lizard folk are a medium sized force, but we did not count the mounts, as we avoided entering the barn remembering the one that was sniffing towards Bandua last night. We are not sure if the lizard folk are nocturnal or sleeping and guarding in shifts. Also, I am not entirely sure what they are guarding so arduously. After scouting we again retreated to the sewers and took a bit of a break to read the scrolls.   Now we know what was released from the forbidden chamber. Well to some degree. I don’t think we really know what or who he is but, human hubris and lack of historical knowledge seem to the be undoing of this part of the empire. The Seer’s scroll described it, "In likeness it recalls a wingless dragon of human size, walking on two legs." That "breathed black death." We must explore further to see if we can find where this evil being may be lurking, or if it has by some miracle been destroyed, but with all the lizard troops here I doubt any of us would be so lucky. I thought I was scared before we arrived. Now! Hassan and Kleeck keep talking on as if maybe this thing has departed and the lizard folk moved in after. Departed it may be, but I am guessing all of this mess, occupations, and catastrophes that have plagued the border and us Romans these past 5 years are on this creatures’ orders or plans. Revenge or simple malus is beyond a simple Gnome like me, but it strikes cold fear into my hart, as well as the certainty that IF my folks were still here when Lugdunum fell they must have fallen with it.   This last I will keep to myself no need to worry my companions with musings on the past and that which cannot be changed. Far better to keep focused on the task at hand!   Information and our own safety!

Rewards Granted

1500 Experience Points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Major Milestone: Discover the Imprisonment chamber beneath the Principia 
  • Major Milestone: Read Cithreth's Journal 
Report Date
24 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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