Session 27 - Of tiny friends and giant enemies Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 27 - Of tiny friends and giant enemies

General Summary

From Laura's Journal   XIX Aprilis, AUC MMCIII Well, our safe arrival in Turris has been... um.... eventful? Mkali was ecstatic to get off the boat. He does not approve of sea travel at all given our adventures. Ficus too was glad to see land and enjoyed bouncing from my shoulder to nearby trees, leading to ridiculous lyrics from the Elves  of Turris. Their way of weaving news and local anecdotes into song is a bit disturbing, but they don’t seem to be paying too too much attention. Thankfully! As we were, I think, less than quiet and discreet when bringing Tertia up to date on our adventures before we met her and went through the maelstrom and back. After our early supper Tertia and I hit the baths and came back to find Hassan managing to drum with the eves and Kleeck listening and watching. Leaving them to carouse as late as they saw fit, I went up to the room to join Bandua and crash. It was nice to have a real bed on solid ground, but I had forgotten how loud his snores can be when they bounce off walls!   XX Aprilis, AUC MMCIII   This morning those of us who rise early were up and about well before Hassan, I guess preforming makes one somewhat nocturnal? Over breakfast we discussed options and the point that we really need to get a look inside the temple of Diana. Kleeck seemed to think with an hour or so to prepare he could make Noctua into a spider who might be able to sneak into the temple via the cracks under or over the door. Tertia had insurance business to attend to, so our breakfast discussion broke up. Kleeck went upstairs to prepare and the rest of us headed off to the forum, bank, and basilica to take care of business and observe the town each in our own ways. Mid-morning, we met up in the forum to snack and try spider scouting. Haruspex kindly carried Noctua over to the roof of the temple while we “rested” around Kleeck who was "sleeping" while looking through Noctua’s eyes. After a bit Kleeck suddenly sat bolt upright and said "It’s there! but so is the Pontificia." It would make too much noise to roll it back even if Noctua touching the mechanism were to make it move. I asked if there were any cracks Noctua could wiggle though and Kleeck "left" us again. Sadly, there were no cracks, but we know that the statue and therefore probably more of this mystery we are trying to unravel are there in the temple of Diana. Kleeck said that Pontifica Lashana  was praying inside so I decided to wait and see if I could talk to her when she came out, hoping that maybe, against all propriety, I could go inside and while looking for clues of who or what took the votive offering somehow touch the mechanism. Hopefully, Diana will not curse me for having multiple aspirations?   The others went off in different directions, Kleeck to shop, Tertia to talk to fish mongers, Hassan to seek the unsavory folk (although he says he doesn’t find them easily or associate with them and that, well, that they were Eris’s contacts.) I think Bandua found some more meat pies and a nap, but the oldster has taken good care of me and I am not going to ask! Or say anything!   The Pontificia came out eventually (after too many elf songs about small squirrels befriending gnomes! They are far to observant). I asked her about going into the temple; it doesn’t really seem the right thing to do to mislead her with devotion, but to find the trial it seemed like the logical offer to make. She cannot let anyone in the temple now but would be willing if I were to find the missing offerings. I asked her about them, and it seems that they were coins, statues, magical items and scrolls in two trunks and a lockbox. Seems a heavy load to walk off with and Pontificia Lashana said to look around the temple grounds as much as I liked. We had looked over the front pretty thoroughly for the initial and internal scouting so I figured I would start down one side and work my way around back.   The footprint was as much oil and odor as it was visible – three toes in front and one or some sort of claw more towards the back with one of those horrid stinky scales in the middle. As I went to pick up the scale, I realized the surrounding oil was even more putrid. It was pointing Northeast toward the road, so I went that way looking / smelling for more and a sheen seemed to be in one spot on the road. It was not a proper track because other traffic had been this way in the days since, but a footprint here, a half splotch of oil and another footprint there were enough. I followed the tracks, and the road! down to the grass and beach by the water. There were several squirrels in the trees. Ficus was all chittery, but I calmed him and asked the squirrels of news of any odd creatures that stank heading this way. They told me of large fish headed men coming out of the sea a couple days (my language not theirs) ago and how they moved one way coming out of the water and much more awkwardly as they carried "large man nuts" between them back into the sea. I do love how they describe humans, elves, gnomes, dwarves, and our things at times. I thanked the squirrels and looked around a bit more but there was no additional sign to be had so headed back to the forum to see what if anything the others had found and if they were going to go back to the inn for lunch (or if they had already stuffed themselves at the forum).   Tertia had found a very old elf who said his elders told stories of fish-headed folk. Kleeck had pursued the song snippets describing underwater lights in the sea. As we put the details together it became clear that we should proceed to the docks and see if we could get a better idea of where these lights were in hopes that they have something to do with the fish headed men. So off we trooped. Hassan’s discussions with fishermen on the docks quickly showed that we would need to go along the coast back the way we came up towards where the land pokes out a bit before the cape. It would probably be a good 10 hours of rowing/ sailing in our catamaran, so we set out, as it was just after lunch. I had Ficus stay with the squirrels we had met earlier as an underwater fight with fish headed men or worse seems like a rather bad idea for a regular squirrel. He thinks he is tough, hanging around with Mkali in strange realms may be going to his head! Taking Mkali along is different; he can defend himself – even if he is not fond of the idea of being on the boat again.   Not much doing on the trek up there. Although Kleeck turned Noctua into an octopus and Tertia turned Haruspex into a crab, so both swam alongside rather than riding! As we approached there seemed to be a cave in the cliff. Noctua and Haruspex went in to investigate and encountered giant crabs. Tertia came out of her trance saying that they were at least as big as a house and had eaten Haruspex! She also described the water as tasting like those fowl fish scales. Blech! Kleeck left his trance too and they both headed into the water. So, we followed. Mkali was dubious and had his tail puffed out in displeasure until it got too wet. The crabs were not quite as big as houses but plenty large. Not too smart though so we dispatched them not entirely efficiently, but well enough. Lost Noctua as well, I am glad that the magic critters can with time be re-summoned! I don’t understand how all that works and would still prefer if the animals did not get mauled in battle.   We found a stunning set of armor obviously for Kleeck as it has Apollo’s crest emblazoned on it. And a silver ring with hieroglyphics on it. Translation will have to wait until we have explored the rest of this cave. There is something with very large teeth ahead based on the marks on some dead giant crab carapaces we found!

Rewards Granted

2,900 experience points.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor milestone - Meet with the Pontifica
  • Minor milestone - Accept the quest to find the votive offerings
  • Major milestone - Discover the trail to the sea
  • Major milestone - Find the sea cave

Character(s) interacted with

Report Date
13 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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