Session 28 - The tunnels, they just keep going Report in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Session 28 - The tunnels, they just keep going

General Summary

Hassan's Journal
XXI Aprilis   1st entry
There was lots of wading through fetid, somewhat greasy water. The smell made me want to retch. For so many twisting and turning tunnels, I wondered how the fish creatures found their way through them without getting lost. I'm sure we didn't explore all of the dank passages, and that was fine with me. Eventually, we came upon a larger cavern which just happened to be occupied by things with "very large teeth" that Laura had been going on about. Giant crocodiles! Two of them! With huge maws and big teeth. They tried to eat us, and some of us got rather nasty bites, but we managed to survive. I suppose we've faced things just as bad in Lugdunum, so this was just a day in the life, right?   2nd entry
More tunnels. They just keep going....   3rd entry
We heard some voices ahead. They sounded a bit like Laura, but in a stranger, more guttural way. When we got closer to speak with them, they appeared to be small gnome-like beings with gray skin, and I could swear they nearly blended in with the stone walls. Laura was able to converse with them, thankfully. They warned us of the fish creatures whom they called "Kuo-Toa". They said there were many of them, they were fierce, could see in the dark quite well, and could even notice those who might travel unseen if they approached too closely. Fantastic, should be an easy trial to retrieve the votive offerings, no problem at all....   Given that warning, we decided to scout the northern caverns to see if we could determine where the Kuo-Toa might be, and how numerous they truly were. Kleeck and Tertia began their trances, and sent Noctua and Haruspex, their fey pets (Tertia called hers a "familiar" while Kleeck had some weird Aarakocra term for them that I couldn't understand) ahead. They were able to map some side passages to the east and west, but Noctua and Haruspex were not able to see how far they went without being seen by some nearby Kuo-Toa. To the north was a large, central chamber with an almost arena-like row of seats surrounding a water-encircled shrine where two chests laid. Those were probably the votive offerings, but where was the third chest? Arrow slits were embedded in each of the chamber walls, so walking straight in was likely a death trap. The shrine chamber had a short hallway that led to a throne room of sorts. Guarding the hall was a group of Kuo-Toa warriors while upon a dais leading to the throne was another group of warriors protecting what appeared to be the Kuo-Toa leader. All of their gear seemed a bit primitive, but quite sharp. Near the throne was the third chest!   This proved to be a predicament. How were we able to retrieve all of the votive offerings, especially that third chest, when they were so heavily guarded? We couldn't just thunder in, and alert all of the Kuo-Toa at once. At this point, we were all pretty tired so we returned to the giant crocodile den to sleep, and prepare for what the morning would bring.   4th entry
After heading back towards the Kuo-Toa caverns, we were nearly ambushed by one of their patrols. Luckily, we made quick work of them before they could hurt any of us, and more importantly, before they could send warning back to their brethren. We had a plan, and it would take all of our skill and abilities to survive the day.   The closer to danger we ventured, the more I could feel this strange power of mine growing stronger. I felt more attuned with the strands of possibility. Eris used to call it my "freakish luck", but it was something far more than that. I've started to be able to perceive different outcomes, and the louder the dice rolled in my head, the more I brimmed with potency. So much like what Tertia and others have described the Arcane to be. But unlike the wizards of the Empire who devoted their lives to study, this felt personal. Unlike the priests of the Gods who prayed for their miracles, this was just me. I was determined to keep my friends alive, because I could bend their fate.

Rewards Granted

1,800 experience points

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Minor Milestone - Reach the deep tunnels
  • Minor Milestone - befriend the Svirfneblin 
  • Major Milestone - Reach the Shrine of the Kuo-Toa 

Character(s) interacted with

Trosli Garnetgetter (Svirfneblin gem-finder)
Report Date
27 Mar 2021
Primary Location
Secondary Location

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