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Session 50 - Rescues and Shopping Sprees

General Summary

From Laura's Journal:   This continues to be a strange business and a harrowing quest. Some time I will have to sit and think it through, talk it over with the squirrels, the owls and the trees. Did I have any inkling, any knowledge of the trouble before it hit Lugdunum? Or any idea how wildly far from home we would get that day that Bandua and I took our bounty to Nemasus? Even the definition of young has changed; knowing Kleeck who at 4 is a full adult whereas at 45 I am still relatively young for a gnome. Ah well, onboard a ship there is some time for thought, but it is not settled time with a disgruntled cat in the hold. It’s been a while since I wrote things down... so here goes.   After we had killed the dragon, we had retreated to the temple to reconnoiter our rescue of prisoners. Kleeck sent Noctua out to see what kind of Yuan-Ti guard detail we might be confronted with and roughly how many folk we were trying to let free. We also planned distractions and how to take them quietly. Kleeck was set to ask Apollo for celestial aid and distraction, as necessary. Our ambush worked and we had quickly dispatched the guards. It took Hassan a bit to convince the people we truly meant rescue, and then we found out why as two of the “people” proved to be Yuan-Ti guards in disguise. With them dispatched the trick was to get the 70 some people to the wall, lighthouse and portal unnoticed and unscathed.   We had a number of intersections to traverse unnoticed and figured that we would again be dogging relatively evenly spaced patrols. This time, we did not want to risk raising an alarm trying to take them out or scare our pack of refugees in the process; so, to improve our chances Kleeck called upon Apollo for aid and a celestial being appeared. It stayed high and started shooting at Yuan-Ti, harrying them and enticing them away from out location. I prepared to ask Diana for aid in quieting our movements. Not knowing if it would work with so many scared me, but as we approached the first intersection my prayers were answered. I could feel a hush descending and all those close by seemed to be utterly silent as we crossed. At the next intersection, Tertia added darkness to the shadows with her magics giving us more places to hide. Hassan had a powder of invisibility we picked up somewhere along the way adding to our ability to pass undetected and Kleeck flew ahead and signaled when the way was clear. When we reached the wall, Bandua sprang into action, helping the people clamber up quickly and effectively with Kleeck lifting from above. I think it must have been the energy from battle, but it seemed very quick and smooth. I honestly had been expecting to meet more resistance from our enemies.   The trek along the wall was blissfully boring and I was fervently hoping that Kleeck’s friend would keep the Yuan-Ti occupied until we were truly safe. As we reached the gap between the wall and the lighthouse, it became apparent that we would need to build some sort of bridge. Kleeck left us to sort that out while he arranged giant eagle transport for our band of refugees once we reached the other side of the portal. I suppose if we had not made a bridge, he would have brought the eagles through eventually, but it was better not to linger! Hassan as usual was saying “what are the chances I could...” in this case “build a bridge” and then he started muttering about materials Bandua and I pulled rope from our packs. We are prepared after all. I was starting to think about lots and lots of knot tying and was on the verge of asking Tertia and Bandua what type of knots they thought would be best for the situation, when Hassan said, “take the rope and those bits of driftwood wood and pile them there.” Then he started chanting and waving his hands and a bridge grew snake like out of the pile and spanned the distance to the base of the lighthouse. Not the sturdiest thing, but a whole lot better than what I would have tied together by hand! The people were again in awe, and I could see that several especially a young lady (surprise surprise) were coming to think of Hassan as “their” prince.   It took us a while to climb the lighthouse to the portal. Herding people is definitely not my favorite task, but they needed to be away from the Yuan-Ti! Space was also an issue; I am glad Kleeck had gotten us a head start on those eagles as we could start moving folks off to the Eyrie quickly and make space for more to fit through the portal. Hassan was worried about his people so we sent him along on one of the eagles with the idea he would return a couple rotations later. His lady friend was being very clingy, and he said later that she was part of the reason he did not come back until morning. For once I don’t think he was as interested in her as she was in him. Perhaps he is growing a little responsibility? He also seemed well impressed with how Kleeck’s father and the other officials were taking care of the refugees. Of course, getting Hassan up in the morning to come back to us, well, it was not an early start!   We did want to start of course, because Bandua still had the Yuan-Ti scholar’s head and we needed to know how much they know. Luckily, the slow start meant that we could discuss what we should ask for quite some time. Although, we had to discuss it all again when Hassan arrived and sort out exactly who’s magic could do what so that the head would cooperate. Something it would not do unless it was sure it was in friendly hands. I never knew appearances could be so deceiving before the last few months. Hassan disguised Kleeck as a Yuan-Ti cleric or official, I am not sure what exactly their hierarchy is, and Kleeck began asking it questions. It did not know as much as we feared. It seems they had gotten no further than knowing that a goddess is the true patron of Rome. Hopefully, we will enter Kathend Irthos (Verthicha Okarthel) and defeat Maagog before they figure it out! We asked about relics, but the head suggested that they are similarly in the dark: not knowing which goddess, they don’t know whose sacred objects to gather. It seems Maagog is in Kathend Irthos. Or at least that was the scholar’s last known location for him. So, and So. Our direction onward is a bit clearer.   We had thought to go by portal and Aegyptus to Kathend Irthos, but with 2 dragon hoards worth of treasure the thought of re-stocking ourselves in Ostia and Rome seemed wise. Bandua did suggest that the coin was burning holes in the young folk’s bags of holding, but he would like to visit the bank. I also thought that it might not be so easy to get back into their temple and portal now that we had killed their dragons and taken their prisoners, or should I say their food supply? So, we decided much to Mkali’s dismay to go back by sea. He won’t mind the mountains when we get there, but…   Do I lack imagination? Desire for wealth? I understand why Bandua covets gold; he has a home to rebuild. I understand buying more arrows and a quality quiver to hold them in, but it seems I was done with shopping and cooling my heals for quite a while before the others were. Maybe someday… but for now I am glad of the discovery of banks. Things to ponder should we succeed and if life slows down a bit after such a success. Or maybe I will give much of it to Bandua and Hassan to rebuild their family holdings…Then I could go back to being a simple forest gnome? Or work more with the Green Company? No, there is no back, only forward. Forward and care for friends and Rome.

Rewards Granted

4,000 Experience Points.

Missions/Quests Completed

  • Rescue the slaves - Major Milestone
  • Escape from Rakota - Major Milestone
Report Date
13 Aug 2022

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