Manius Fannius Character in Tyllus | World Anvil
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Manius Fannius

Proconsul Manius Fannius Corvus

Proconsul Fannius Corvus is the current governor of Rhodanensis province. As his title implies, he was a consul of the Roman Empire in the past. He served as Consul Posterior (junior Consul) in AUC 2095, and Consul Prior (senior Consul) in AUC 2096. During that term, the rebellion broke out against Empress Atratina. Fannius remained loyal to the Empress and tried to raise his own force to go to her assistance, but his forces were defeated and he was wounded. Not long afterward, Atratina was killed.   Valerian arrived in Rome with the main army shortly afterwards, and was able to put down the rebellion, after which he was declared the new Emperor of Rome. As a reward for Fannius' loyalty to Atratina, whom Valerian also served loyally, Valerian made him governor of Rhodanensis.   Since being appointed, Fannius has earned a reputation for a terrible temper, and being dangerous to oppose. In particular he is known for fiercely rooting out and punishing malcontents or any who would sow discord against the Roman Empire. The saying goes, he allowed insurrection once -- he won't let it happen again -- at least not in his province.   Rumor also has it that Fannius has taken to drinking an awful lot of wine, but of course, only those who know him personally can say whether this is true.

Mental characteristics


Fannius was a Consul of the Roman Empire under Empress Atratina in her final year (AUC 2096). Because he remained loyal to the empress during the uprising, he was one of the first governors appointed by Valerian upon his taking the Imperial throne. Fannius as been running Rhodanensis ever since.
Honorary & Occupational Titles
Proconsul, Governor
Year of Birth
2050 AUC 53 Years old
Current Residence
Port Voltur
Dark Brown, curly
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
175 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Latin, Common
Ruled Locations

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