Settling Into Hammerfast: Game 23

General Summary

The Company of the Furies: Eumenides arrived at Hammerfast and began to settle into what they hope will be a new long-term home. The Company: 1) established themselves as legitimate traders in bulk commodities from the city of Atlan in the Barony of Atlan in Southern Fultar; 2) obtained the right to buy and sell potions and medicines to to physicians, surgeons, and patients; 3) purchased a building as a new home and place of business; 4) made connections with the local Lore, Craft and Trade guilds; 5) delivered the message from Lord Raymond Ilios, Marquess of the Reaches and Lord of Sentinel Fortress that the dragon Calastryx and lich necromancer Yarlzedd were slain and fire giant army repulsed; and 6) discovered an old nemesis Carthain lives in Hammerfast.


The Company stayed the first night at the Foundation Stone and then moved to the Arcane Star. The Company was approached by Carthian at the Foundation Stone, who tried to strike an agreed upon truce, which the Company rejected essentially telling Carthian to stay out of their way. Carthian is using or somehow allied with the local halflings, and one of his chief lieutenant is the halfling Serlek Undertoe and Judith Egina, both of who were also at the Foundation Stone. Twim attempted to follow Carthian, but was foiled when trying to sneak over the wall between the Gate Ward and Trade Ward. The Company stayed a the Arcane Star until their new home, The Company of the Furies Hammerfast.  

Trade Ward

The Company delivered the message from Lord Raymond Ilios to Highmaster Marsinda Goldspinner about the good news of the death of the dragon and lich, which last terrorized humans and dwarves during Arrival of the Great Worms a thousand years ago. Lord Raymond provided the Company two messages to Highmaster Goldspinner. The first, which the Company gave to the Highmaster, is a generic update about the victory over the forces of evil. The second, which the Company did not give to the Highmaster, explains the Company's key role the defeat of the dragon, lich and giants. The other main government officials include the other two council members, Loremaster Geld Seekingstone, Master Artisan Frelda Blackshield, Tenkar Stoneshield, Lord Commander (who manages the town defense), and the Lawmaster, Chief Judge Beldrin Longbeard. The Company has not met these other officials, with the exception of Lawmaster Beldrin Longboard.   The Highmaster assigned her younger brother Norrinir Goldspinner to assist the Company with whatever they need in settling in to Hammerfast. Norrinir has been very helpful, primarily but not exclusively relying upon the Goldspinner family for assistance. Depsite the appearance of nepotism, the Company has learned that Norrinir has only recommended people of quality, and charged them a lower than market rate for his services. It may be, as he has told them, the "Goldspinners are the best, but if they are not, then he will make sure that their client get the best services available, but that only occurs when the Goldspinners are not an option, because the Goldspinners are the best [see my first point]."   The Company was escorted into the Trade Ward by the Hammerfast Guard, but allowed to move freely after meeting with the Highmaster.  

Lore Ward

The Company were introduced to the Loremaster Geld Seekingstone, and the Head Librarian Alzar Scrollkeeper, Head Librarian. Lord Ilios provided the Company with personal messages to both the Loremaster Geld and Head Lirbarian Alzar, with introductions to allow entrance to the Grand Library and Lore Spire. The personal message was also signed by Deval de Navarate, the Sentinel Fortress diplomat and mage, and one of the few non-dwarves who has been permitted access to the Lore Spire. The Grand Library has the largest collection of dwarven books know in the human world. It is a power magnet for sages, historians, and anyone else interested in ancient, especially dwarven, lore. The Lore Spire is also a great center of learning, and a place where dwarves to study history, philosophy, mathematics, engineering, and other subjects. Unlike the Grand Library, which is open to the any citizen of Hammerfast and accessible to foreign scholars, the Lore Spire’s library is closely guarded. Enrollment as a student requires noble blood, large contributions, or references from the high and mighty. Rumors persist of dark tomes of blasphemous knowledge.

Craft Ward

The Company's new home is along the northern wall of Hammerfast, in the Craft Ward. Lawmaster Beldrin Longbeard reviewed the contract to purchase the Company's new home.   The Company met Auran Deepmine who handles requests from Craft Guild members for strange materials and rare ingredients, who offers his services to the Company, and Thortha Deepmine, the apothecary, who the Company arranges to obtain her agreement to open their own apothecary. Thortha has a copy of the Book of the Daemonium on her voluminous bookshelves. The Company also meets Thar the Bevilian and enters into a contract with him, who's approval is also required to open their apothecary. Thar's was one of the individuals that the necromancers of Order of the Necromantia were exchanging messages via ravens, which was learned by the Company in Siege of the Gnoll Rock Fort: Game 2. The other names were Carthain, Grond Silverstar, Pencheska Natyssa, and Constance (who the Company has not meet but the messages showed lived in Khyber).  
Report Date
15 May 2023
by Paizo Publishing