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SC 2024 Reading Challenge

I somehow finished Summer Camp, despite the little things that plotted against it. And here, look, I have a working keyboard!   Let's not let the other tech issues to stop me from reading, okay? I'm usually more organized for these, but this time I'll just follow links and notifications as I see them.  
Ever burn lantern
Here is a nice mix of storytelling and item description. And while all credit goes to J. J., I can add "first to find a secret hidden in this story" to my short list of bragging rights ;)
Sickeningly sweet
A clever example of how the most simple and seemingly innocent of myths has deep roots and meaning, even playing a role in something way more complicated.
I like both the concept and all the little details about this tradition. Bonus points (lots of bonus points) for explaining the effects of being unable to follow it, and the considerations about what that could mean.
Saint Nora
Wow.Someone took the writing prompt quite seriously.

And I love how the tone of the character suddenly turned into something different in my mind as soon as I saw the changes in the background.
The greenhouse
What can I say about this without telling you what exactly grows in this greenhouse?
Well, it balances interesting information, the right emotions, and... some digressing in the background. I can picture the scene and... yup: joy and fun.
Mechanical Mother
Is that a superhero name, or it's just me? Well, it's probably not just the name, am I right?

This article is not only cute and scary, it also talks about more than it seems to, just enough to peek my curiosity.
La última aurora
This one is in Spanish, a bit poetic and unsettling.

Of course the future is uncertain and the past catches up and people lose their mind when the world is over and... I have the feeling that they don't know it is.
The silent tongue
This article starts as a little story, one that caught my interest immediately, and smoothly goes from that to an explanation about a very special language, where did it come from, and what for.

An interesting article about and interesting topic.
An article with a interesting approach to the concept of character growth in which Adam Tingley gives good use to the environment to tell a story... or is it a story that subtlely shows small details about the goblins in what feels like a story?
Different views about the same being, it's interesting where they are alike, and where are the differences.
Now, of all of them, I found the Ninifins' version particularly... well, let's just say that I don't think many others like it much.
  That was fun!   I could read a bit more before going back to try and finish the first readable draft of Coincidental. And then... well, there is this game of sorts I want to make, but I'm a bit scared of that. We'll see.   That should be more than enough to keep me busy for what's left of the year, but I will try to join the WA challenges, and NaNoWriMo. And there is a few other stories I want to work with. I would like to work a bit more with Shards, but that's probably not wise for now.


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Aug 31, 2024 06:01 by Mardrena Lockehart

Oooooh! Sticky title!

Crazy Anime Cat Lady and Gamer Nun, Proud Texan Enjoying Renaissance Faires.
Aug 31, 2024 13:50 by Nimin N

Thank you so much for the feature, I greatly appreciate it. Happy to hear you enjoyed it. <3

Aug 31, 2024 16:05 by Adam Tingley

Really glad you enjoyed my article! I would love to write a novel taken from multiple view points. Goblin chapters and Dwarven chapters. Skewing the narrative is quite a lot of fun :)