Mia, the Banshee

Mia Evergreen

In the early months after The Unravelling, when the The Hidden People were temporarily placed in a gym hall, some of the older kids had to help with the younger kids. This included Mia.

Like all the other kids, Mia was distressed and confused, but she was strong and caring and stepped up to be there for the younger Changelings. Alea really got to know, trust and like Mia, and she really wanted to be close to her, and maybe help as she did. Mia was a tressure for the entire community, in those times, and she was a great support for Alea and the other children.

Leading up to the first Sigrblót after the move to Evergreen Glade, Dís Thrud had announced that they would use the event to try to call forth the parents who had left behind and lost track of their children, while also calling out the Fey blood in any willing changeling in an attempt to return them to their path of becoming true Fey.
Mia was one of the changelings to undergo the ritual, and when she emerged on the other side, she had broken her changeling status, and become a Banshee, leaving behind Evergreen Glade instantly, as her Fey Compulsion took hold of her.

Alea and many other children had been deemed too young to partake in the ritual - In those days it was discussed loudly whether the still scared children could handle witnessing the ritualistic sacrifice of animalsm - but some had snuck out that night. While they were too far away to see the ritual itself, they could hear the singing and see the flames of the bonfire light up the sky and the frantic shadows dancing around the flames. The celebrating chants became loudest whenever a fey emerged from their changeling coccoon.
When it was Mia's turn, she paled and in one short burst, she was bombarded with strings pulling in her - life strings of the ill and dying all suddently visible to her, entangling her, and she could nothing but weep for all these poor souls, nearing the end of their journey. Unable to feel anything but the pull of the dying, she looked around and ran as fast as she could, wailing all the way. She ran past the hiding spot of the children, and stopped. Turning and looking at each of them for a second in silence, before fleeing out of the Glade - never to return again.
To this day, Alea can still vividly recall the immense sorrow and horror on the face of Mia, when their eyes met that night. The fear it instilled in all the children, who all ran inside the dorm as soon as she had left. Several of those children have stayed away from Alfablót ever since.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Mia was 15 when The Veil fell, and she - like so many others - saw herself thrown out by her assumed parents.
She had a short time at an orphanage in The City of Hope, before being brought to a temporary shelter for the revealed Aes Sídhe and changelings in the form of a gym hall in the outskirts of the city.
While scared out of her mind, she managed to find the strength to be an active helper at the temporary shelter.
At the first Alfablót held in Evergreen Glade, she decided to awaken her true heritage, and became a banshee.
As a wailing fey, driven by a strong Compulsion, she now roams the city, sharing in the grief of the families of dying people, hardly more than a spirit.



ward and friend (Vital)

Towards Mia, the Banshee



Mia, the Banshee

lost big sister (Important)

Towards Alea




After The Unravelling, Mia swallowed a lot of her own fear and confusion to help take care of the younger changeling children, and she really cared for all of them. Alea cared a lot for Mia and saw her as the most important support in the chaos.

When Mia underwent the Sigrblót and ran off, Alea lost an important support pillar in her life, and her mind often wanders to Mia, with Mia being the main reason, Alea is afraid of the Sigrblót.

Mia The Banshee by Doodles Most Foul
Current Location
Other Ethnicities/Cultures
Dark blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale white

Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul
This article has no secrets.


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