Scene: Sigrblót Year 2. Part 1

Another year, another Sigrblót. This year will be the first one since I got my own appartment, and thus free to do my own thing - Just a small gathering of Changelings who don't care about changing. Maybe we can make the night about the other stuff - personal victories and all that. Or maybe about something entirely irrelated. Just forget about who we might lose tonight. I try not to make my fear of losing them hinder me from engaging with younger changelings, but I hate that it does. I want to get to know them, but I can't handle losing any more friends to some dumb archaic practice!

Zeldine was talking about bringing someone tonight, and I had to fight instinct for a moment before I told her they were welcome. I'm glad she didn't call out that moment of awkward silence... I just- No. I don't want to fear getting to know new people. And if they're coming here, they must have chosen to abstain from tradition as we have, anyway. Who knows - maybe my flat could be a safe place for all who need it, on this day.
The gathering of those who have chosen not to choose - that's the only "Celebration of Victory" I need!

We had talked about whether to binge silly chick flicks or horror movies tonight, but I can't imagine Alice being into the head-empty-ness of chick flicks. I woudn't mind either, as long as it provides enough of a diversion for me. With the theme somewhat set, I just need to head out for food and drinks. I asked Alice to meet me, and I think she must be here just about now.

I grab my windbreaker from the coat rack and head out in the misty drizzle of late April. Alice is already there when I hit the street. She's covered in a pink and purple striped raincoat with ears attached to the hood - always so dedicated to her "Alice in Wonderland" aestethic. I wonder how inflated her clothes budget is just to keep every little thing within theme, but her stylishly clean look speaks for itself.

"Did you wait for long?" I ask.

"Nah, just got here", she replies, not lifting her eyes from her phone. I don't think she likes eye contact with anyone.

"Cool. Let's hit the road", I say, scanning the streets before taking off - Just so I know how many stares to expect today. It's a natural reflex. It kicks in before I remind myself, that I'm practicing not caring about it the stares or the comments. Not making myself small or hiding in my jacket anymore, ears on full display. I actually worry more about what stares and comments Alice could get for hanging out with me, but she seems adept at not giving a damn, and I have the impression that she'd rather be associated with us than humanity for some reason or other.

"So, It's the two of us, Zeldine and someone new she's bringing along - that's four... maybe five", I summarize aloud, calculating how much to buy. "I asked Lív and Iolani too, but I don't think they're coming. I think Iolani is doing some online thing tonight."

Thinking about it, maybe it's better like this - I don't think Iolani and Alice have met before, and I don't know if either of them would like each other if they did. When you don't know them, Iolani can come of as provokingly judgemental and Alice as stand-offish. Lív would fit in with anyone though, but she never spends much time away from the other Swan Maidens - or indoors for that matter.

We scurry down a the mist covered streets and enter the local grocery store. There are too not many people out, so I can breathe a bit easier. We grab a cart and gather what we need to feast on pasta salad for days and enough bag-in-box wine to get a party started. Before we hit the register, I swerve the cart around a blind corner and almost hit a guy, who catches the cart with a sudden, strong hand before it hits him, and I freeze. It's him.

"Oh! I... I'm so sorry", I falter - my mind lush with unsavory images. 'Act casual. Smile, but not too much,' my brain tells me, while my body is in full panic mode.

"It's okay," He replies in a soft voice, staring at me with those deep dark eyes. That ruggedly handsome face I have seen in here several times - that I have made the latest object of my imaginations, on particularly lonely nights. Can he tell? He can't tell, can he?

"Uhh, we we're just leaving," Alice's voice cuts in, breaking the spell, and I'm hit with the need to be anywhere else fast. "...right, Alea?"

"Yes, the party!" I blurt out, and he makes room for us to pass.

"Have a good blót night," he smiles gently, and I start moving as Alice grabs the cart handle next to me, pulling me forward. Did she notice? She sends me a suggestive smile, and I feel so exposed I could drop dead right here on the floor. At least she has the sense of not asking anything on the way out of the store. I try to throw a casual look back as we leave. No luck. As I turn I'm again met by Alice's wicked grin.

"Who's the hunk?" she starts.

"I have no idea what you're on about," I lie.

"Could have fooled me!" she retorts with a laugh, and I pick up the pace, so she can't see me blushing.
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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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