Scene: The New Apartment

"I can't believe it. My own freaking apartment." I state, as I'm actually standing in it. An empty place for hopes and dreams. A place to call my own.

Zeldine looks every bit as ecstatic as I feel right now. "Oh my god, the parties, we can have in here!"

"Let's not overdo it and get me thrown out already," I say precautiously. Like Zeldine would let me worm my way out of a housewarming party.

"You landlord can't expect you not to start out with a bang!" she retorts, enthusiastically continuing: "And speaking of 'bang' - I have found the perfect guy for a threesome!"

"I'm gonna take a rain check on that." Always incorrigible Zeldine. Not that I couldn't use a good distraction some day soon though...

"Ugh, you're no fun. I thought you had fun the last time, and it's been soo looong!" She is so expressive when she's eager about something.

"Yeah, but then the guy proved to be an asshole," I respond bluntly. "And - if you haven't noticed - I don't even have a bed yet!"

Solution-oriented as always, Zeldine returns: "So, if I get you a bed, and I promise this guy is not an asshole... you'll agree to break in this place, in style." She ends the sentence more like a statement than a question, and I can see the cogwheels turning. Last time had been fun, but the drama afterwards had stained the memory. I was hesitant then too, but Zeldine promised a good time, and she was very attentive. I mean, really attentive - She must have really wanted to make sure, I had fun. Or she's less of a "cock-hound" than she says she is.

"I'll want to see this guy first!"
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Cover image: Alea Sleeping by Doodles Most Foul


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