Cmn. Drake Callahan

Drake Callahan is a security crewman assigned to Security Team #3 (aka the New Hopes) on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

There is a lot to handle when it comes to profiling Callahan. As an alleged Maquis he was branded a terrorist by the Cardassians and a traitor by the Federation. Casualty rates among the Maquis at this time were very high as it was settlers and colonists fighting against the Cardassian military and yet Callahan had the right skills and discipline to survive or even thrive under that high stakes, high adrenaline environment. He was probably warned by his family that antagonizing the Cardassians would only make it worse and those warnings were ignored until his entire family and home were destroyed in revenge to his and his fellow Maquis' actions. This sent him into a deeep depressive spiral and during the Dominion War he volunteered for many seemingly suicidal missions. Self-destruction is a classic sign of grief and it seemed obvious to everyone that he was going into battle hoping not to come back. Yet he did. Every time. Even when his unit was ambushed or the objective was failed, he somehow survived the fight. Adding to the grief of losing his family was compounding elements of survivor's guilt as he was the only one to come back time and time again.   Before moving to the Nightingale he went through an extended grief counseling session and was cleared by Starfleet profilers as being fit for duty however it is noted that stressors can trigger a regression and caution must be taken if his PTSD triggers.   ADDENDUM: Shortly before the Romulan attack there is a note indicating a verbal confrontation between Callahan and Cmn. Avison. At that time, Executive Officer Cmdr. Lewis was going to investigate further however this was interrupted by the Romulan attack.  

Biographical Overview

Callahan was born on the frontier colony Juhraya located on the border between Federation and Cardassian Union space. His parents were homesteaders and he spent much of his child helping tame the wild land and grow civilization out of the wilderness. During this time there were a few conflicts with the Cardassians but overall it would be considered idyllic.   This all came crashing down in 2370 when the Federation signed a formal treaty setting the borders with the Cardassians and suddenly Juhraya was now under the control of the Cardassian Union. The Cardassians imposed strict curfews and severe punishments as a way to both control the colonies and to drive away Federation settlers to make room for Cardassian expansion. Callahan was drawn into the orbit of the Maquis and is suspected of carrying out many raids and attacks on Cardassians from 2070 through 2073.   When the Cardassian's joined the Dominion however, Gul Dukat launched a purge of all Maquis colonies still in Cardassian space. Juhraya, along with many other worlds, was purged by the Dominion. Callahan escaped the slaughter because he was, allegedly, conducting raids on Cardassian freighters in a different sector. He returned from his mission to find his home razed and his family dead.   As the Dominion War heated up the Federation put out an amnesty call to the surviving Maquis and Calllahan enlisted stationed out of Deep Space 9 to fight on the ground against the Cardassian and Dominion forces. While he didn't serve with any noticeable distinction, he survived the war on the frontlines which was a feat many did not achieve.   When peace was declared Callahan was swept up in the massive redeployment and he was reassigned to serve on the USS Nightingale.
Starfleet Academy
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2374-present)
Previous Assignments
Deep Space 9 (2373-2374)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 30th, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations