Cmn. Li Wei

Li Wei serves as a security crewmen on the USS Orpheus  

Psychological Profile

Wei's psyche profile has been marked classified. To gain access send a request directly to Admiral Shepherd.   [Access Granted by permission of Lt. Colt]   Wei is overall a happy and excitable individual that injects a sense of levity and energy into tense situations. This manifests itself in him being viewed as the "heart and soul" of the commando team he was on and twice during missions other crew have sacrified themselves to ensure his survival. While he still maintains a happy-go-lucky exterior in private counseling sessions he has expressed signs of survivor's guilt. In addition commanders should know that Wei has both the aptitude and inclination for explosives and demolitions and during the Dominion War his actions have triggered several inquiry boards around excessive use of high explosive ordinance to resolve even relatively minor obstacles and threats.   His team mates have nicknamed him "Boomer" due to his enthusaism for using more explosives than technically needed in a given situation.  

Biographical Overview

Wei was born on Salva II in a small mining town. This town was located on a particularly rich vein of lithium and while the town was never huge it didn't struggle like other frontier towns did as they could always trade their valuable minerals for what they needed. Wei's father was a demolitions expert and was a local leader to the miners as he kept them safe by making sure the explosives were properly set. Unfortunately the Cardassians had other plans for Salva II and his father was killed in a mining accident that Wei and the other townsfolk believed was deliberate sabotage by the Obsidian Order to collapse their mine and force the colonists to withdraw from the border planet.   Wei took over his father's position and became used to working with explosives in tight quarters which made him a valuable recruit when in 2373 he joined the growing Maquis movement, specifically the branch under the leadership of Po. Black. While Wei proved to be a decednt combatent his real expertise was clearly on the technical side of things. He became an expert in improvised explosives and while the Cardassians never knew his exploits by name he may have ended up with one of the highest kill counts among all the Maquis after a series of explosvies collapsed the entire barracks at a Cardassian forced labor camp.   In 2373 when the Dominion War broke out, Wei joined Starfleet along with Po. Black and joined the newly formed ███ █████ ████ ███████ ██████ ██████   Wei's service record and post-war service has been marked classified. To gain access send a request directly to Admiral Shepherd.   [Access Granted by permission of Lt. Colt]   Wei was brought into Black's commandos due to his expertise in ordinance and worked as a mission specialist. Regardless of mission profile his talents were put to use whether it was to break through fortifications, create mines and improvised explosives, or to create a distraction to cover escape. Throughout his time in the commandos, Wei was responsible for using 3 tons of Triadine-7, 8 tons of QPR-IX, and 120 Phased Molecular Dissolvers (which represents 60% of the Federation's entire stockpile).   In 2378 Wei was transferred to serve on the USS Nightingale as part of the ship's security.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Under my personal directdion, Wei along with his team members have been reassigned to the USS Orpheus in order to continue their directive of ensuring the missions success in light of the increased hostilities faced within the Typhon Expanse. Any concerns regarding excessive force or inappropriate conduct should be diredcted to me personally.
Starfleet Academy Class
  Martial Status
  Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2378-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
Oct 29, 2339
Year of Birth
2339 42 Years old
Salva II
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations