Po. Oliver Black

Oliver Black serves as a security team lead on the USS Orpheus (Alpha Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Black's psyche profile has been marked classified. To gain access send a request directly to Admiral Shepherd.   [Access Granted by permission of Lt. Colt]   Black displays all the typical psychological markers for a sociopath. He seems to not intuitively understand things like emotion or empathy and has expressed difficulty in understanding social taboos against torture and murder. He is a high functioning sociopath, however, and while he doesn't naturally understand societal norms he has learned to obey the laws as written to ensure his own surival and freedom. He is well-versed in all of Starfleet's rules of conduct in waging war and while his displays are, in the words of one of his commanding officers: "uncomfortably lethal" he has yet to be accused of comitting any war crimes.   So long as a commander clearly articulates the rules of engagement, Black can be relied upon to resolve almost any engagment. He has incredible hand-eye coordination, a tenacity that lets him shrug off even potentially fatal injuries, and an almost suicidal bravery in combat that allows him to charge straight into enemy lines. Careful attention must be made, however, to ensure that he continues to uphold the ideals of Starfleet and the Federation. It would be an absolute disaster if Black ever decided that there was no longer a reason to follow Starfleet's rules of engagement.   Black's team members have nicknamed him "Bubs" and it has taken our department a bit of legwork to discover the origin of this nickname as it has gone through several permutations. Back during his time in the Maquis due to his lethality he became know as the "Black Death", a crude reference to an ancient Earth plague. This apparently evolved into his commando group being called "Black's Death" and him having the nickname "Bubonic" which eventually was just shortened to "Bubs" by the time of his assignment during the Dominion War. The Federation Psychiatric Evaluation Department formally objects to this kind of glorification of violence and death.  

Biographical Overview

Black was born on Salva II to frontier colonists from the Federation. Black gew up and lived the homestead life becoming a prominent member of the growing colony. His education records are somewhat inconsistent but overall Black showed promise for higher education however he chose to focusu on his community and became a leader in one of the largest farming networks. In 2370 when the planet was given over to the Cardassian Union, Black became one of the founders of the Maquis however by 2371 he had fallen out with the other Maquis leaders and instead resisted the Cardassians by protecting the other colonists instead of committing terrorist attacks. Even still he featured almost permanently at the #3 Most Wanted list published by the Obsidian Order all they up through the Dominion War. When the Jem'Hadar raided the planet he was off-world but his family did not survive. Black brought his entire cell into the Federation and Starfleet Special Forces had him set up the ███ █████ ████ ███████ ██████ ██████   Black's service record and post-war service has been marked classified. To gain access send a request directly to Admiral Shepherd.   [Access Granted by permission of Lt. Colt] Black established a special forces commando unit with several other veterans that specialized in recon, sabotage, and assassination. Black's typical method of operation involved bringing twice as much explosives and heavy ordinance as the situation would typically demand and many of his operations were deemed success due to extreme applications of firepower and explosives. His unit was responsible for breaking the Jem'Hadar lines at half a dozen planets and although his unit received some casulaties in the process, overall it was viewed as orders of magnitude more effective than a more direct application of fleets and troops.   A typical operation would involve covert high orbital drops, careful monitoring of enemy positions and logistics for several weeks, and then a series of highly coordinated rapid attacks that would unbalance the enemy and expose the true target which would be marked for long range artillery strikes or covert demolitions.   In 2378 Black was transferred to serve on the USS Nightingale as part of the ship's security.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Under my personal directdion, Black along with his team members have been reassigned to the USS Orpheus in order to continue their directive of ensuring the missions success in light of the increased hostilities faced within the Typhon Expanse. Any concerns regarding excessive force or inappropriate conduct should be diredcted to me personally.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
  Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Presnet)
  Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2378-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 24th, 2339
Year of Birth
2339 42 Years old
Salva II
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations