Cmn. Shal Tessa

Shal Tessa serves as a security crewmen on the USS Orpheus. (Alpha Shift)  

Psychological Profile

Shal's psyche profile has been marked classified. To gain access send a request directly to Admiral Shepherd.   [Access Granted by permission of Lt. Colt]   Shal is a merciless soldier who operates in her long range support role with clinical efficiency. She seems to register no more emotional toil over sighting and eliminating a target through her scopes as she would changing a life support filter. When questioned about any regrets she displays a fatalist attitude believing that everyone has a "phaser with their name on it" and so it is just your time. This appears to be a coping mechanism to remove any responsibility for her actions from herself, instead placing the action and consequences onto the abstract notion of "fate" as what is killing her enemies. She has expressed discomfort in digging into these beliefs further and it is recommended that her commanders be on the watch for any breaks in her stoic attitude as she might be deeply repressing her true emtions. In the meantime, however, she is a cold, calm, disappationate operator who can be counted on to remain cool-headed and steady even in difficult and trying times.   Shal's teammates have nicknamed her "Confetti" as a description for what she turns enemy heads into. The Federation Psychiatric Evaluation Department formally objects to this kind of glorification of violence and death.  

Biographical Overview

Shal was born on Bajor during its occupation by the Cardassian Union. Records about her parents and family did not survive the purge the Cardassians took to remove traces of their concentration camps. What is known is that her parents died very young and she was raised communaly by whatever adults could spare the time and energy to watch out for her. In 2350 the camp she was at was liberated and she was adopted into an underground network of resistance fighters. Despite being only six years old she helped out how she could and she claims she was barely eleven years old when the resistance handed her a phaser to keep a Cardassian patrol at bay.
She gained a reputation among both the Cardassians and the Bajorans for her accuracy and her name featured prominently on Cardassia's top targets. When Cardassia departed Bajor in 2370 Shal joined a group of radical Bajorans that continued to attack and harass Cardassia earning her a death sentence in absentia. Cardassian spies eventually destroyed this cell but Shal was able to escape and sold her skills as a gun-for-hire for several years on the fringes of civilization. In 2374 when the Dominion War sparked Shal came out from the fringes and enlisted as a soldier to help once again save Bajor from invaders. Her skills were recognized and she was placed into ███ █████ ████ ███████ ██████ ██████   Shal's service record and post-war service has been marked classified. To gain access send a request directly to Admiral Shepherd.   [Access Granted by permission of Lt. Colt] Shal was recruited by Po. Black to join his elite commando team. She primarily served in a reconnaissance role, setting up in a high vantage point and surveying the scene of operations. She also handled long range tactical support either via portable artillery or through her sniper rifle. She is directly responsible for 37 kills against high level Jem'Hadar soldiers during the war.   In 2378 Shal was transferred to serve on the USS Nightingale as part of the ship's security.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Under my personal directdion, Shal along with her team members have been reassigned to the USS Orpheus in order to continue their directive of ensuring the missions success in light of the increased hostilities faced within the Typhon Expanse. Any concerns regarding excessive force or inappropriate conduct should be diredcted to me personally.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2378-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
June 1st, 2344
Year of Birth
2342 39 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations