Cnt. Durim (Dur-rim)

Durim is a Romulan Centurion serving on the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

The Romulan Star Empire has refused to submit any records for Durim's psychological profile. It is against Starfleet protocol to allow anyone onboard a starship without a profile however this regulation has been override by Starfleet High Command.    

Biographical Overview

Durim was born on Romulus as the son of ███████, a prominent member of the ██████ ██████. He showed clear signs of being both ███████ and ██████ and was flagged for training into the ███ █████. He was trained as an ███████ until ████ where he was given his first assignment. On ███████ ██ he successfully █████████ a █████████ ██████ ████████ that allowed other ███ █████ ████████ to infiltrate the ██████ and extract a ███ that had ██████ for ██████████. He successfully performed two more █████████ and was flagged for promotion within the ███ █████. He worked in ███████████ until ████ where he was rotated back to the front lines and served on the ███ █████████ until █████.    In ████ when the Star Empire created an █████████ into the ██████ ██████, Durim was selected as the ████████ ██████ on the █████ ███ ████████. Shortly after launch the ship encountered an ██████ ████████ and successfully made ████ ███████. From ███████ they were able to learn the location of █████ ████████ and proceeded towards the next ██████████ to make ████ ██████ with. Upon arrival the ████████ was █████ ████ by a swarm of ██████████ ██████ that were able to ██████ the ███████ █████ and ultimately █████████ the █████████. Durim was able to make it to an ███████ ███ and his ███████ was picked up by the ███ ██████████ where he was ███████.    Debriefing lasting until ████ when he was selected to ███████ to the ███████ ██████ assisting Cmdr. Mheven in a joint Romulan-Federation exploration. Although Mheven would be the ███████ ███████ with the █████████, Durim would ████ ████ and █████████ █████████ over the ███████.  

2378 Update - Cpt. Lewis

En route to the Starlight Alliance, Durim and Lt. JG Racine spoke to one another and Durim ended up killing Racine. Initial evidence made it seem like this was an act of self-defense but expert analysis by Lt. Kixi revealed the manipulation in the recording showing that it was Durim that attacked first. Recovered audio revealed that Durim was responsible for ███ ████████ ██ ████████ ███████ ██████ ███ ████████ ████ (redacted per orders by Adm. Shepherd). Durim killed Racine and then tried to cover up his actions. When confronted Durim triggered a series of sabotages that he had inserted into the Nightingale's computer systems triggering a seris of malfunctions and security breaches that allowed him to escape in a shuttle. The Nightingale made an attempt to pursue but were stopped by multiple Romulan Warbirds forcing them to give up pursuit.   Cmdr. Mheven was unable or unwilling to provide any additional context but it seemed that neither the Commander nor the Reman commandos were involved.   Based on followup intelligence it seems that Durim was actually an important part of the Tal Shier intelligence organization and is working for a splinter faction of the Romulans that are looking to overthrow the existing power structure and return the Romulan Star Empire back to a more aggressive and hostile stance.
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
███ ███, 2332
Year of Birth
2332 49 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
████, ██th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
██████████ (████-2377) ███████(████-█████) ███ █████ (███-███)