Lt. Bav "Shrek" Ch'oshrekriss

Bav "Shrek" Ch'oshrekriss was serving as the Chief Tactical Officer on the USS Orpheus however he is currently on temporary rotation to the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Colleages have expressed concerns about Shrek's lack of emotions. Whether it is in the line of duty or at social gatherings off-duty, his emotional responses are very muted. Some have expressed concerns that this lack of expression equates to a lack of emotions and unfortunately that is very difficult to determine as Shrek is just as reserved during counseling sessions as he is in public. Starfleet does not judge it officers based on emotional expression but on their actions and Shrek has upheld the duties of a Starfleet officer every step of the way.  

Biographical Overview[/h2 Shrek was born on Dundee II which housed a large scientific outpost. His parental commune were all involved in Starfleet in some way and there was significant pressure for him and h is siblings to follow this tradition and join Starfleet. When Shrek feel behind in his primary education scores his family enlisted multiple tutors to bring his grades up to a level that would ensure his entrance into Starfleet Academy. In 2353 he completed his primary academics and was accepted into the Academy. His time at the Academy was troubled and he was reprimanded several times throughout his years but in 2357 he did graduate as a security officer in the top quartile of his class. His first assignment was on the USS Vikrant where he was seriving at a weapons console on the bridge when their ship had an encounter with a Gorn vessel. Shrek disabled the weapons of the Gorn raider which withdrew, earning him a service honor. In 2360 shortly after this encounter with the Gorn he was transferred to Starfleet R&D to better study the weakness that he had discovered in Gorn shipbuilding and to develop that targeting pattern into Starfleet tactical databases. In 2360 he was assigned to Doxi, a rural Federation colony that had been experiencing significant raiding attempts by both the Gorn Hegemony and the Orion Syndicate. During his tenure as Chief of Security for the Doxi colony he repelled sixteen raiding attempts, all successfully. He was promoted to Lieutenant and re-assigned to the USS Majestic in 2366. The Majestic had several encounters with Romulans during its patrol along the Romulan Star Empire border. When the Dominion War broke out in 2373 he requested transfer to the USS Orpheus which was just launching so he could continue serving with several of his colleagues from the Majestic in the fight against the Dominion.  

2379 Update - Adm. Shephrd

Due to the loss of Cpt. Lewis, Cpt. Eradas and her command crew have been rotated over to supervise the restoration of the USS Nightingale. This is currently listed as a temporary assignment that should not last longer than a year.
Starfleet Academy
2357, 75th percentile
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2373-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Majestic (2366-2373)
Doxi [2360-2366)
Starfleet Tactical R&D (2357-2360)
USS Vikrant [NCC-3348] (2357-2357)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 13th, 2335
Year of Birth
2335 46 Years old
Dundee II
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations