Lt. Neil Cado

Neil Cado is the Chief Tactical Officer on the USS Nightingale. In 2379 he also serves the role of First Officer.  

Psychological Profile

Cado demonstrates a highly competitive and achievement-oriented nature, striving for excellence in all aspects of his work. He possesses a strong sense of duty and responsibility, often going above and beyond to ensure adherence to regulations and protocols. Cado's attention to detail and meticulousness are commendable, making him a valuable asset in tactical operations. However, his rigid adherence to rules and an inclination to report behavioral misconduct may strain his relationships with colleagues and hinder effective teamwork. His ultimate goal is to ascend to a position of power and influence within the political landscape of the Federation. This ambition drives him to maintain a flawless track record, avoid controversies, and make decisions that advance his personal standing.  

Biographical Overview

Cado was born to highly decorated parents. His father is an Admiral and his mother is a lead diplomat with the Ferengi Alliance. Cado was drive towards Starfleet from the very beginning. His academic journey at Starfleet Academy was marked by exceptional achievements, culminating in his graduation as the top-ranking cadet in his class. During Cado's first assignment aboard the USS Icaria, Cado noted his superior officer violating numerous Federation protocols and assembled a sufficient amount of evidence that caused his superior to be demoted for gross misconduct. Despite the accuracy of his accusations, this caused significant strain between Cado and the other crew and he was flagged for transfer by Captain Carter. Cado's next assignment was on the USS Heinlein where he once again discovered officers of Starfleet acting outside of the rules and guidelines. This time it was another security officer and Cado befriended the officer to discover a smuggling operation and he was once again able to gather sufficient evidence to trigger the removal of sixteen officers and crew across three different ships involved in smuggling contraband. Due to his exemplary conduct he was promoted to Lieutenant and for his first assignment as Chief Tactical Officer he was assigned to the USS Nightingale to assist in the initial exploration of the Typhon Expanse.  

2379 Update

In 2378 on his first mission on the Nightingale, Cado was part of an away team that explored Corinthi 16-A, the homeworld of the Morghi. The team was pursued by XT-489 Exterminators and Cado led a defense while the rest of the team explored the ruins. During his defense, Cado was badly wounded and the recovered artifiical intelligence XT-716 attempted to save him by using Morghi transporters but Cado became trapped in the transport buffer. Months later, Cado was able to be recovered after the Nightingale was granted permission by the Xanid Suzerainty to explore another ruin that included an intact medical center. As part of the revival process, Cado was "fixed" by the Morghi technology that unlocked vast cosmic and psychic powers. Cado began altering reality but the rest of the away team was able to send him back into the transport buffers and undo the "fix" turning Cado back into his original, albeit badly wounded, form.   When the senior staff of the Nightingale was re-assigned to the USS Orpheus, Cado remained behind in dual roles as the Chief Tactical Officer and First Officer for the ship under Cpt. Eradas.
Starfleet Academy Class
2372, Top of Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2378-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Icaria (2375-2378)
USS Heinlein (2372-2375)
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
May 2nd, 2349
Year of Birth
2349 32 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations