Lt. Cmdr. Maurice Raden

Maurice Raden was the Chief Operations Officer on the USS Orpheus but has been temporarily re-assigned to the USS Nightingale.  

Psychological Profile

Raden is very much a "go with the flow" kind of guy and it can be difficult to get his honest opinion about events that have occurred to him or his personal ambitions. It is clear he prefers Starbase operations however he has spent a lot of time on ship-based duty and when assigned to Starbases they haven't gone well. Deep Space 9 notwithstanding, his early experiences had him disregarding direct orders as he felt he knew what the stations needed more than their chiefs did. It wasn't until he was mentored by Chief O'Brien that he seemed to learn to respect the chain of command.   As a side note Raden is notoriously frugal when it comes to his supplies and frequently asks his crew to maintain instead of replace parts out of fear that they might need them later. Overall this hasn't caused any overt problems but his crews tend to spend more time on maintenance which offsets the time savings they get by not having to resupply as often. When asked about this pattern, he replied that he just feels that it isn't the parts time yet to be discarded and that nothing should go before its time. This anthropormofication of parts and equipment is not a normal attitude but beyond a bit of inconvienance this doesn't seem to indicate any deeper mental issues.  

Addendum - Cpt. Eradas

I am officially noting a protest to the profile listed by Starfleet Psyche. This is in no way an indicator of some kind of mental illness but instead a technique that he learned from operating on remote Starbases. Upon more thorough conversations he explains that Starfleet puts extremely conservative replacement values on their parts leading to tremendous waste in both replacing parts as well as more frequent supplies. By increasing service life of equipment by even just 10% that can result in nearly a day of time saved shipwide and on a larger Starbase this can lead to months or even years of work hours being saved while still fitting within the maximum rated service life of most parts. He isn't crazy, he is just used to operations on a much larger scale than is typical on a starship.  


Raden was born to hydroponics experts who worked on the Argus Array, a subspace array telescope that has been in service for over a hundred years. Raden grew up in a multi-cultural setting encountering aliens from all across the Federation. Growing up he was neither interested in biology and hydroponics like his parents nor in scientific research. Instead he showed keen interest in understanding how the Array worked and seemed fascinated watching administrators move supplies and equipment around the system to keep things working. In 2349 he applied to the Starfleet Academy and was accepted where he ended up entering Operations. Due to his past he indicated he wanted to go into Starbase Operations however upon graduation in 2343 he was assigned as a junior operations officer on the USS Lima assigned to stellar exploration. After three years he was promoted to Lieutenant JG and transferred to Starbase 32 where he went into Starbase Operations. In 2357 he transferred again to Starbase 416 citing "difficulties" with the Starbase 32's command staff. He lasted 5 years at Starbase 416 before transferring again citing "difference in opinions". At this time Starfleet viewed his frequent transfers as a warning sign and he was assigned to the USS Majestic in 2362 assigned to patrolling the Romulan Empire border. It seems he finally found a place where he agreed with the command staff because he ended up serving on the Majestic for 10 years and earning a promotion to Lieutenant in the process. As a senior operations officer he distingusihed himself when the Majestic encountered a previously uknown Romulan minefield left over from one of the many previous conflicts and Raden identified a way to safely detonate every mine at once clearing the minefield completely.   In 2372 due to his previous experience in Starbase operations, Raden was re-assigned to Deep Space 9 where he served under Chief O'Brien as a Deputy Chief of Operations. He served there during most of the Dominion War. In 2374 after being instrumental in the re-capture of Deep Space 9 from Dominion/Cardassian forces, Raden received a promotion to Lt. Commander and was transferred over as Chief Operations Officer on the USS Orpheus.      

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

With the loss of Cpt. Lewis, Cpt. Eradas has been re-assigned temporarily as the Captain of the USS Nightingale. In order to maintain command integrity, Raden along with several other senior officers have been transferred temporarily over to the USS Nightingale. As the USS Orpheus was also equipped with advanced EPS systems, he should be instrumental in overseeing the proper upgrades and retrofits to the ship.
Starfleet Academy Class
2353, 73rd percentile
Martial Status
Married (Tatyana Raden)
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Orpheus (2374-2379)
Deep Space 9 (2372-2374)
USS Majestic (2362-2372)
Starbase 416 (2357-2362)
Starbase 32 (2355-2357)
USS Lima [NCC-76198] (2353-2355)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 11th, 2331
Year of Birth
2331 50 Years old
Argus Array
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations