Lt. JG. Xena Park (Zee-nah Park)

Xena Park is a helm officer serving on the USS Orpheus (Beta Shift).  

Psychological Profile

Park's interest in conn operations stems more from her interest in navigation rather than piloting. Due to her modified genetic code her hand-eye coordination is well above average so she is competent at the controls however her desired path seems to focus on navigation only. Given her isolated upbringing she has developed into a thrill seeker, purposefully entering unknown situations in order to make up for the time she spent in an isolated and completely controlled environment. She struggles to get along with her peers as she tends to view other people by default as inferior although the evaluators believe this is just a product of her childhood and should phase out as she continues to be exposed to more cultures and species. On the flipside any peer that can surpass her skills, especially in navigation, can be the source of intense jealousy at Park and while she is restrained enough so far not to act upon it she does not have emotional coping mechanisms needed to handle these kinds of feelings. Back in her society there was no real competition because everyone had a clear cut place in their society. In Starfleet however she is having to learn to deal with other people working and excelling in the same role as herself.   

Biographical Overview

Park was born on Moab IV, a remote colony on an otherwise uninhabitable planet that had been designed to be completely self-sufficient and completely isolated from the outside galaxy. By the time Park was born the colony had been isolated for around 200 years so Park grew up without any knowledge of the universe outside the shielded walls of her home. In this colony residents are carefully bred and guided towards fulfilling specific roles and Park was supposed to be a medical doctor for the colony. In 2368 a passing neutron star fragment caused damage to the colony and aid was rendered by a passing Federation starship. None of the residents alive were aware of the outside world and at the end almost two dozen people, including Park, decided to go with the Federation ship and explore life outside the colony.   Park was given a crash course in the history of the galaxy and the wider world and applied to Starfleet where her superior knowledge of science and medicine offset her complete lack of knowledge in galactic politics or modern technology. Technically she did not meet Academy entrance requirements however given her achievement in so little time and her background she was given probationary entrance into Starfleet Academy.   The first few years were very hard for her as she had to cram a decade of schooling while advancing her own education as well as dealing with the culture shock of meeting a wide variety of species and personality backgrounds. Still she was able to recover and while her grades were barely passing in her first year at the Academy by her last year she was in the top 95th percentile on a class by class basis. While overall her scores put her slightly above average, Adm. Shepherd has noted that her background and circumstances should be considered before making too quick an evaluation based on just her score.   NOTE: Park's genetic code has been heavily modified and she is incredibly resilient to poisons and infections.   UPDATE: In 2378 due to her exemplary performance under the temporary command of Lt. Kixi duringn their infiltration of Voor Technocracy space, Park was promoted to Lt. JG and re-assigned to the Beta command shift.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

It appears that Park has greatly impressed Lt. Cmdr. Sel and he has requested that Park transfer over to the USS Orpheus to fill an available helm position.
Starfleet Academy
2377, 60th percentile Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2377-2379)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
February 25th,
Year of Birth
2350 31 Years old
Moab IV
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations