Voor Technocracy

For centuries it was believed that the Voor were a technologically advanced species obssessed with isolationism. Their borders, protected by automated defenses and advanced sensor stations, were deemed impenetrable by the rest of the Typhon Expanse and were thusly ignored by most other governments. Every few years a trader from the Voor would make contact and offer advanced technology in exchange for rare resources but otherwise kept to themselves.   In 2378, the USS Nightingale successfully penetrated the Voor's borders and discovered that the interior seemed to be almost completely empty, except for automated defense fleets on patrol. Eventually the Federation ship encountered The One Left Behind and discovered the truth: the Voor were just a cover so that the last remaining Morghi could maintain their Transcendence project by manipulating the course of events within the Typhon Expanse to perpetuate the energy and sentient life needs of the Morghi.   When The One Left Behind was destroyed, it triggered a complete collapse of the Voor and now their territory is being seized and fought over by the Tzynn Star Empire, the Starlight Alliance and the XT-489 Exterminators.
Notable Members