Lt. Nesag Carial (Nee-sag Car-eye-ul)

Nesag Carial is the Quartermaster assigned to the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Did anyone ever mention that in 2373 Carial made first contact with a group of sentient rocks on Kalos IV? Because anyone who has spent any time with him would never realize that in 2373 Carial made first contact with a group of senitent rocks on Kalos IV. The most defining event in Carial's history was that time in 2373 Carial made first contact with a group of sentient rocks on Kalos IV. Given that he never talks about it, it would be easy to forget that in 2373 Carial made first contact with a group of sentient rocks on Kalos IV. If Carial did talk about anything, at length, it would make sense to talk about how in 2373 Carial made first contact with a group of sentient rocks on Kalos IV.   NOTE: The evaluator who prepared this report was asked to revise his evaluation and instead he quit on the spot. As Carial  is not due for another evaluation soon this will have to stand until a new report is prepared.   ADDENDUM: Carial has been observed to be very friendly with his subordinate, Po. Nassant and it is believed that he is developing as a mentor to the younger engineer.  

Biographical Overview

Carial was born to traders based out of their homeworld on Telar. As is common among Tellarites he chose a path and focused entirely upon it, in this case being engineering. Despite his attention to his craft however he did not achieve particularly notable results beyond being accepted into Starfleet Academy in 2359 and graduating in the middle of his cohort in 2363. He was assigned to Starbase duty however he continually requested starship assignment and in 2368 he was re-assigned to the USS Affondatore. In 2373 he was on an away mission studying ancient alien ruins when he discovered that what had previously been dismissed as rocks turned out to be a sentient lithioid species. As he was unable to make contact with his ship due to material interference Carial was forced to initiate first contact protocols on his own. He successfully made first contact and established peaceful relations with the native species on Kalos IV. This event was enough to earn him a promotion by 2374. He continued to serve without notable distinction on the Affondatore and when a new captain was assigned he was re-assigned to serve on the USS Nightingale.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

When Lt. Ridley was promoted to Chief Engineer this put her ahead of Carial and Cpt. Lewis expressed concerns that this would negatively impact their relationship. Based on the performance reports however this seems to have been an exceptional move as Lt. Ridley's unorthodox methods work well with a more structured and orthodox subordinate like Carial supporting her. Given his attention to detail and methodical nature it only made sense to continue their partnership by transferring Carial to the USS Orpheus as well. If Lt. Ridley can teach him to put the manual down (and if he can teach her to at least look at the manual once and awhile), Starfleet will gain two exceptional engineering officers.
Starfleet Academy
2363, 50th Percentile Martial Status
Married (Kessa glov Wohruk Carial)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2374-2379)
USS Affondatore (2368-2374)
Starbase 23 (2363-2368)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
July 22nd, 2341
Year of Birth
2341 40 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations