Lt. Rilyx Dallon (Rill-ix Dal-lon)

Rilyx Dallon is the Chief Helmsman/navigator on the USS Orpheus.  

Psychological Profile

Meticulous and exact, Dallon does not handle carelessness at all and even the thought of taking a thoughtless action can send him into a depressive state. He is the kind of person that will double check a known course just in case something else has changed and although this can be an impediment to getting tasks accomplished in a quick and timely manner, it does allow him to catch mistakes that might otherwise go unnoticed. If Dallon has completed a task, it has absolutely and always been completed to the best of his abilities. Because of his exacting nature he can be quite and soft spoken but it isn't because of shyness but because conversations often move too fast for him to carefully formulate a response to interject.  

Biographical Overview

Dallon was born on an traveling merchant vessel owned by a collective of artists who traveled the Alpha Quadrant sharing art styles from around the Federation. Contrary to stereotypes of artistic and creative types, his parents instilled upon Dallon a perfectionist mindset that a piece wasn't done until it was absolutely finished and this has carried through to his work in Starfleet. Unlike other Trills he seemed disinclined to pursue a Joining and instead focused on his academics and he was able to graduate from Starfleet Academy in only 3 years due to taking an increased course load to fast track his graduation. He graduated from the Command track and assigned to the USS Antares as a command potential however during an away mission his team became stranded and while he performed well he expressed a dissatisfaction with having to leave the ship. Having spent his entire childhood onboard a starship he seemed to dislike going to planet surfaces. He shifted his career to focus away from Command and into Helm operations and was assigned as a navigator on the USS Garibaldi.   He was promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade in 2073 and assigned to the helm of the USS McAuliffe where he served during the opening stages of the Dominion War. When the McAuliffe was heavily damaged in a skirmish with the Dominion he was re-assigned to the USS Nightingale as a helmsmen there.   Dallon lodged a formal demerit against himself over the incident with the IRW Raknor. He claims that it was his responsibility as helmsmen and navigator that the ship ended up in the Neutral Zone however this was overridden by Cpt. Lewis who instead commended him for seeing through Tellek's sabotage and his meticulous nature brought Cpt. Blake the time needed to encrypt the ship's computer and avoid being captured by the Romulans.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Throughout their time in the Typhon Expanse, Dallon has maintained steady control of the USS Nightingale. When the Nightingale needed to go back to Earth for repairs, he was selected by Lt. Cmdr. Sel to replace the command crew on the Orpheus and step forward as Chief Helmsmen. In recognition to both his accomplishments and his new position he is being promoted to full Lieutenant.
Starfleet Academy Class
2366, 50th percentile
Martial Status
Married (Robaar Vitnel)
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale  (2374-2379)
USS McAuliffe (2373-2373)
USS Garibaldi (2370-2373)
USS Antares (2366-2370)
Current Status
Active Duty
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
January 6th 2345
Year of Birth
2345 36 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations