Nurse Talia Rdjira (Tal-ee-ah Rad-jeer-ah)

Talia Rdjira is a nurse serving on the USS Nightingale. She was previously stationed on the USS Oberon but was one of the few survivors of its destruction.  

Psychological Profile

Based upon earlier evaluations Rdjira was a confident and capable nurse with medical training above and beyond what was expected for a nurse at her rank. She was well on her way to being promoted towards a Chief Nurse position on a larger starship or starbase and could likely have qualified for Starfleet medical school if she desired to become a doctor. The destruction of the Oberon has caused her considerable mental anguish however and she routinely mentions dreams of being able to hear the rest of the Oberon's crew screaming as they died. This kind of trauma can be managed however commanding officers are recommended to be aware of the symptoms of PTSD that might resurge in a crisis. Although in other circumstances additional shore leave might be warranted her close ties to both her work and to [Lt. Kosi allow for alternative treatment that progresses while serving on a starship. It is the Evaluation Department's recommendation that she be returned to work as quickly as possible to expedite the process of putting her traumatic memories behind her.    NOTE: Records indicate that Rdjira was good friends with Lt. Kosi back on the USS Oberon and the two were critical for supporting one another in the aftermath of the Oberon's destruction.  

Biographical Overview

Rdjira was born on Deneb V to a family with extensive ties to the medical community. While her immediate parents were both trained nurses, her cousins all became full Federation medical doctors or research scientists. Unfortunately Rdjira never showed either the aptitude or focus in order to qualify for Starfleet medical school, instead opting to enlist as a trained medic and nurse in 2373. Her first assignment was on the USS Oberon where she was the only active nurse and frequently had to go above her standard duties as Dr. Coster was notorious for focusing more on his research than his patients.    During the Oberon's fight with the Unknown Alien Dreadnaught, Rdjira headed the call from Cpt. Lonkunsh and was the second one to reach the escape pods after Lt. McNeal. She was two sections away from where the dreadnaught's kinetic weaponry split the Oberon in half and the bulkheads saved her from being obliterated like the majority of the crew. Instead of escaping she went back to the bridge to give medical assistance and her actions saved both Kosi and Lonkunsh from death as with Rdjira's help they were able to make it back to the escape pods before the ship's hull completely collapsed. For this service she was awarded a Starfleet commendation for Bravery. Along with other Oberon survivors she was re-assigned to serve on the USS Nightingale in 2377.
Starfleet Academy
N/A Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Nightingale (2377-present)
Previous Assignments
USS Oberon (2373-2376)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
December 10th, 2352
Year of Birth
2352 29 Years old
Deneb V
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations