Po. Iona Zucu (Eye-oh-na Zoo-koo)

Iona Zucu is a computer specialist on board the USS Orpheus. (Beta Shift)  

Psychological Profile

While at one time Zucu may have been naive and overly trusting, since the tragedy of her child's father she has become reserved and withdrawn. The last report indicated early signs of depression although her previous psychological profiles indicate she should be able to maintain mental health and work through the grieving process. She is noted for being particularly perceptive about the needs of others and very expressive in her own feelings and emotions although this is somewhat subdued due to recent events. There is a note about an inter-personal conflict between her and one of the other computer technicians who ended up dying during the attack by the IRW Raknor. She seems to be harboring guilt over these feelings as well.  

Biographical Overview

Zucu was born on Ktaris where her parents were merchant contractors working for the local Ktarain government. Unfortunately they did not seem to be very successful and struggled to raise their standard of living above the typical norm despite devoting their lives to the pursuit. She struggled academically and there are several notes of juvenile delinquency in her files. Her parents were often absent from home and as a teenager she seemed inclined to push boundaries and skirt local laws and regulations. She ended up in a relationship with someone from her school and had a child in 2072. She was engaged to be married however her fiance was onboard a ship that was attacked and destroyed during the Dominion War.   She had been working as a programmer in the private sector and a year later she enlisted into Starfleet. She proved highly competent as a computer technician and received a promotion to Petty Officer in 2075 where she was transferred to the USS Nightingale. Her file indicates she assisted Lt. Kixi Paxton in securing the Nightingale's computer from the Romulan spy Tellek.  

2377 Update - Captain Lewis

Zucu has shown to be quite capable in dealing with computer related matters and is frequently the crew turned to when other departments need assistance in programming or data processing.  

2379 Update - Admiral Shepherd

Over the past two years Zucu has proven to be the technicain the senior officers on the USS Nightingale turn to for computer support. In that time they have dealt with rogue artificial intelligence, Romulan and Cardassian spies and other incidents that have all culiminated in diredct attacks against the computer core, Every time, Zucu was there to support the mission and help prevent a complete takeover of the ship. The USS Orpheus is about to head right back into danger and many of those threats remain so it only makes sense to bring along an expert in the specific types of dangers experienced within the Typhon Expanse.
Starfleet Academy Class
Martial Status
Current Assignment
USS Orpheus (2379-Present)
Previous Assignments
USS Nightingale (2375-2379)
USS Gordafarid (2374-2375)
Current Status
Currently Boarded Vehicle
Date of Birth
April 26th, 2353
Year of Birth
2355 26 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations