Purifier L'Maruki Skeerida

Purifier Skeerida serves as the informal leader of the Yondar purifiers. Her full name and title is L'Maruki Skeerida, High Purifier of Yondar, Deliverer of Incandescent Repentance, the Burning Ember of Turok III, the Sealer of Destinies, The Blazing Justice of Haakanuri, Keeper of the Seared Shadow, Flamebearer of Eternal Purity, Guardian of Celestial Sanctity, Bringer of Infernal Clarity, Mistress of Devouring Radiance, The Conflagrant Arbiter, Wielder of the Searing Scepter, Ember Queen of Cleansed Flames, Torchbearer of Divine Retribution, Herald of Scorching Atonement, Beacon of Eternal Purge, Incarnate Flame of Haakanuri's Will, The Radiant Inquisitor, Executor of Inferno's Mercy, Celestial Sentinel of Purity's Light.   The purifiers serve as a religious inquisition and combination judge, jury, and executionar for the Kingdom of Yondarim. In their eyes, crimes that are caught are sins against The One True God and therefore getting caught requires ones soul to be clenased through fire. "Purification through immolation" is the mantra of their order and even the Queen will be careful about crossing the purifiers.
In 2379 Purifier Skeerida was present when there was an assassination attempt against Queen Haakanuri. When the Holy Beacon B'Nokani was exposed as part of the plot, Skeerida took the guilty party back to the Purifex to be cleansed. Later on the crew of the USS Orpheus were having difficulties in navigating the city due to the Yondar's xenophobia and requested Skeerida assist them by opening doors that would otherwise remain closed to them. When DaiMon Teik was apprehended for trying to trigger a civil war to sell weapons to all sides, Skeerida asserted her right to purify Teik however Lt. Cmdr. Sel successfully negotiated a compromise and Teik was sentenced to exhile instead.