Mionn's Magic Shop

Mionn created the magic shop in response to many tourists asking for keepsakes or tokens from the Black Forest that held magical properties. The shop was built in the bones of an older, more seriously-themed shop named "Augery and Alchemy" owned by her late grandfather.


Among bearfolk of Kipburn, the magic shop is known as a tongue-in-cheek place to get "party scrolls" or minor enchantments for light-hearted situations. Mionn is known for her cunning ways of making profit but the shop still is a praised spot in Kipburn.


Natives also go to the shop for more serious matters as well when need arises, however. Mionn is an adept appraisor of magical items and a decent healer and potion-maker when need arises.

Shop, Magic
Parent Location
Owning Organization