
The beautiful continent of peace and harmony, home to:   Spirithold- City. Population- 24,952 (60% Tiefling, 25% Other, 15% Elven) The capital city and where the Queen lives.   Saltstall Port- City. Population- 23,530 (100% Other) The port ruled by Lord Otos and Lady Anyu Sadi who are both Loxodons.   Shalo- City. Population- 15,983 (90% Elven, 5% Half-Elf, 5% Other) The north western city ruled by Lord Peren and Lady Adrie Starflower who are both Moon Elves.   Klimore- City. Population- 11,000 (95% Dwarf, 5% Other) The south eastern city ruled by Lord Flint and Lady Ida Dankil who are both Mountain Dwarves.   Drystorm- Town. Population- 4,694 (90% Tiefling, 10% Dragonborn) The mid north western town ruled by Lord Thelius and Lady Nexori Tealeaf who are both Tieflings.   Steamcrest- Town. Population- 2,666 (50% Goliath, 15% Human, 15% Half-Orc, 10% Half-Elf, 10% Other) The western town ruled by Lord Korarad and Lady Dinia Masterheart who are both Goliaths.   Rosegate- Town. Population- 3,795 (80% Halfling, 20% Other) The mid western town ruled by Lord Ladon and Lady Xanphina Goodbarrel who are both Halflings.   Ashborne- Town. Population- 5,648 (50%Gnome, 25% Centaur, 15% Satyr, 10% Other) The south western town ruled by Lord Brocc and Lady Nissa Folkor who are both Forest Gnomes.   Runswick- Town. Population- 1,496 (60% Water/Air Genasi, 25% Halfling, 15% Other) The northern town ruled by Lady Breeze and Lady Dew Storm a Air and Water Genasi.   Sirencaster- Town. Population- 4,197 (100% Tiefling) The north eastern town ruled by Lady Ryra who is a Tiefling (Succubus undercover.)   Earthhallow- Town. Population- 5,617 (65% Half-Elf, 30% Human, 5% Other) The eastern town ruled by Lord Xander and Lady Reyna Nalo a Half-Elf and a Sun Elf.   Shrovegrove- Town. Population- 2,456 (90% Firbolg, 10% Earth Genasi) The mid north eastern town ruled by Lord Leoran and Lady Venra Clay who are both Firbolgs.


A grass land full of cherry blossoms, rivers split up the continent and a beach runs around the cove.


As Aldriran is a southern continent it doesn't get as cold as the northern ones but it does follow the sessions like its suppose to.

Localized Phenomena

The cherry trees should lose there leaves in the winter but for some reason they bloom all year round. People think this is due to the Queen's kindness to the land around her that they stay, others think the land can't bare to be without the trees leaves because then it would be like everything else, boring and plane.

Fauna & Flora

The main plants are the cherry trees but there is others as well as animals that you would usually find.


Its a good holiday destination due to the lands beauty, as well as the equality between races and genders.
Alternative Name(s)
The Peaceful Continent
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank

Cover image: by Me


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