Elemental Islands

The elemental islands are the home of the druids who protect the Material Plane from the elemental planes that over lap through a crack that the druids keep closed.   Earth, Vale- Village. Population- 560 (64% Earth Genasi, 21% Dwarf, 15% Other) The home of the earth druids who protects the border of the earth plane.   Water, Aqua- Village. Population- 410 (95% Water Genasi, 5% Other) The home of the water druids who protects the border of the water plane.   Fire, Pyro- Village. Population- 330 (92% Fire Genasi, 5% Tiefling, 3% Other) The home of the fire druids who protects the border of the fire plane.   Air, Sunders- Village. Population- 290 (85% Air Genasi, 15% Other) The home of the air druids who protects the border of the air plane.


The island of earth is a thick, twisting jungle.    The island of water is slightly in the water.    The island of air is a floating island that has a flying boat that is used to reach it.   The island of fire is a island made of volcanic rock and the closer you get to the volcano the hotter it gets.

Ecosystem Cycles

Because of the elemental cracks, the islands don't change with the seasons.

Localized Phenomena

On the island of earth there are earthquakes.   On the island of water there are whorl pools.   On the island of air there are lightning storms.   On the island of fire there are gazers.

Fauna & Flora

Each island as its own animals and plants depending on the climate, the only exception is the island of fire because of the volcanic ash cloud that always covers it, it makes breathing more difficult. The only plants are fire basted fungi as they are the only things that can survive.


The elements once ruled this world before the deities took control and banished the titans that the elements were connected too. The elemental islands weren't always around, they slit off from the rest of Tirra when the cracks reopened.
Location under
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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