
The two layers of the Twin Paradises of Bytopia are similar yet opposite: one is a tamed, pastoral landscape and the other an untamed wilderness, yet both reflect the plane’s goodness and its acceptance of law and order when necessary. Bytopia is the heaven of productive work, the satisfaction of a job well done. The goodness flowing through the plane creates feelings of goodwill and happiness in creatures dwelling there.   Pervasive Goodwill- At the end of each long rest taken on this plane, a visitor that is neither lawful good nor neutral good must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature’s alignment changes to lawful good or neutral good (whichever is closer to the creature’s current alignment). The change becomes permanent if the creature doesn’t leave the plane within 1d4 days. Otherwise, the creature’s alignment reverts to normal after one day spent on a plane other than Bytopia. Casting the dispel evil and good spell on the creature also restores its original alignment. (Source: DMG D&D)   Dothion- Dothion was a bucolic land of old forests and huge meadows subject to mild seasonal changes and gentle weather. Portals to Seven Heavens, Elysium, and Sigil were found in caverns as brightly glowing patterns: concentric circles for the Seven Heavens, radiating lines for Elysium, and both patterns superimposed, which resembled a spider web, for Sigil. Travelers from the Astral Plane would emerge from the colour pools on this layer. This layer is home to Zera.   Shurrock- Across the barrier, Shurrock had much the same landscape features but much harsher weather: summers were hot and winters were long and cold. Storms were more common here, with booming thunder and heavy rains. Life on the Shurrock side was more challenging and kept the inhabitants busy, but both sides were virtuously industrious. This layer is home to Tharion.   Inhabitants- The animals in the Twin Paradises were sentient with average intelligence or above, but did not have the ability to speak. Some trees were also intelligent, similar to treants from the Prime Material Plane. The usual menagerie of upper plane creatures were found here, including solars, planetars, hollyphants, devas, foo creatures, baku, and agathia. (
Alternative Name(s)
Twin Paradises
Dimensional plane
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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