The Beastlands

The Beastlands is a plane of nature unbound, of forests ranging from moss-hung mangroves to snow-laden pines, of thick jungles where the branches are woven so tight that no light penetrates, of vast plains where grains and wildflowers wave in the wind with vibrant life. The plane embodies nature’s wildness and beauty, but it also speaks to the animal within all living things.   Hunter’s Paradise- Visitors to the Beastlands find their hunting and stalking capabilities improved, and characters have advantage on Wisdom (Animal Handling), Wisdom (Perception), and Wisdom (Survival) checks while there.   Beast Transformation- Whenever a visitor slays a beast native to the plane, the slayer must succeed on a DC 10 Charisma saving throw or become transformed (as the polymorph spell) into the type of beast that was slain. In this form, the creature retains its intelligence and ability to speak. At the end of each long rest, the polymorphed creature can repeat the saving throw. On a successful saving throw, the creature returns to its true form. After three failed saving throws, the transformation can be undone only by a remove curse spell or similar magic. (Source: DMG D&D)   KrigalaKrigala was the upper layer, connected to the Astral Plane by colour pools and to Elysium, Arborea, and the Outlands by portals disguised as large holes in hollow trees. The river Oceanus flowed in a relatively straight course from Amoria in Elysium through Krigala on its way to Arborea. The sky was perpetually lit by a noonday sun directly overhead regardless of distance traveled. This is the layer that Naxtune called her home.   Brux- The second layer of the Beastlands was constantly in dusk or dawn due to two suns on opposite ends of the horizon, hovering there and turning the sky a reddish hue. The landscape of Brux was similar to that found in Krigala. Brux was the location of the Library of All Knowledge.   Karasuthra- The bottommost layer was the land of starlight. Above any clouds or fog that might exist in a region was a clear night sky full of wandering stars. The stars moved randomly such that all attempts to map them into constellations were unsuccessful.    Inhabitants- In addition to the myriad species from the animal kingdom were the usual Upper plane sentient creatures, such as hollyphants, planetars, solars, devas, foo creatures, agathia, and baku.   Another form of life unique to the Beastlands were the mortai, also known as the "faces in the clouds". They appeared as cumulus clouds with large humanoid faces and could communicate with anyone if they so wished. The mortai were considered very wise and could converse on most subjects. They also had complete control over the air and weather. Their origin was unknown but it was thought they might be collections of good and somewhat chaotic spirits. (
Alternative Name(s)
The Wilderness
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