
Elysium is home to creatures of unfettered kindness and compassion, and a welcome refuge for planar travellers seeking a safe haven. The plane’s bucolic landscapes glimmer with life and beauty in their prime. Tranquillity seeps into the bones and souls of those who enter the plane. It is the heaven of well-earned rest, a place where tears of joy glisten on many a cheek.   Overwhelming Joy- Visitors spending any time on this plane risk becoming trapped by overwhelming sensations of contentment and happiness. At the end of each long rest taken on this plane, a visitor must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, the creature is unwilling to leave the plane before taking another long rest. After three failed saving throws, the creature never willingly leaves the plane and, if forcibly removed, does everything in its power to return to the plane. A dispel evil and good spell removes this effect from the creature. (Source: DMG D&D)   Amoria- The first layer, Amoria, also referred to as the "innermost" layer, was connected to the Astral Plane by colour pools and to Twin Paradises, The Beastlands, and Sigil by unmarked portals located in dark caverns. Divination spells were required to determine the destination of these portals with certainty. Navigating the river Oceanus downstream also led to the The Beastlands but any underground passages were not likely to be safe for boats. Amoria best fit the description given above and the river Oceanus had many side channels that split and merged back again, creating many "banks" for the establishment of realms.   Eronia- The second layer of Elysium was very mountainous and many branches of the Oceanus became spectacular waterfalls and tumbling cascades before forming channels bordered by steep cliffs of grey rock. Like Amoria, Eronia supported abundant wildlife along the banks.   Belierin- Contrary to Eronia, Belierin was mostly flat with marshes and wetlands stretching inland for miles/kilometers before larger plants and trees were found. Oceanus split and formed many island nations inhabited by extraplanar beings.   Thalasia- The fourth and "outermost" layer of Elysium was a great ocean, sometimes called the Thalasian sea, that was both the source and final destination of the River Oceanus. Small, green islands were scattered about, collectively known as Avalon. No big land masses existed here. This is were Volmir has made his home.   Inhabitants- In addition to the myriad species of fish and wildlife, the sentient beings that chose to live in Elysium were many of those species found in other Upper planes: hollyphants, planetars, solars, foo creatures, agathia, and baku. Moon dogs were numerous and widely used as servants and watchbeasts for the Greater and Lesser Powers of Elysium. The rare and magical phoenixes were native to this plane and spent most of their time here in the beautiful landscapes that Elysium offered, avoiding those that would hunt them for profit. (https://forgottenrealms.fandom.com/wiki/Elysium)
Alternative Name(s)
The Blessed Fields
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank


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